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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Not enough Cove on here to give a monkeys. Thank goodness. Thank you.
  2. Unfortunately, he's got you punching way above your weight, it won't last though. Nothing against Cove, Dundee supporters just hate that chunt. Would say your a league 1 team at best. IMO. Once he goes, all the best. Thank you.
  3. Still wearing the white lace gloves though? Thank you.
  4. Don't fancy being in prison there, probably like some medieval dungeon. Thank you.
  5. Did Nikola Tesla not solve all this about 80 years ago? Thank you.
  6. Put the Seagull on a milanese mesh bracelet, for the 60's 'vibe'. Thank you.
  7. All part of Schwabs New World Order plan, everybody will be living in these 'pods'. You will own f**k all and be happy. Thank you.
  8. Cheers, done a bit of googling, think it was a mistle thrush. RIP.
  9. McInnes was on close to a million a year with the sheep, so you're probably not far off.
  10. Carnage/drama in the garden today, been watching some kind of thrush for the past few weeks, eating the white berries off next doors rowan tree, it's slightly bigger than a blackbird/brown /speckled breast, quite aggresive. Quite rare? Mrs heard a thud against kitchen window this morning, must've hit it, trying to escape the sparrowhawk, which was plucking it below the window. Next doors cat then showed up, and sparrowhawk flew away with it's pray. Get that the hawk has to eat, but think that was maybe a rare bird, (anybody know) only really seen that one. Thank you.
  11. You're paying Gardiner 150k a year, and 'Billy likes futba' the same amount? You're going down the shitter and fucking deserve it. IMO. Thank you.
  12. A despicable pair of money grubbing/hypocritical/parasites these two are. Ginger nut probably knows the truth about who his father is, hence the reason he's not giving a f**k about throwing them under the bus. That and the 200 million.
  13. Having suffered the c**t for two years, I would say I'm a fucking expert on him. Thank you
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