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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Let's be honest here, if he can't win this tinpot league outright, then he needs to fucking chuck it. IMO.
  2. Absolute fucking shite today, don't think the Partick keeper had a single save to make, too much respect shown to them and far too defensive. No use Bowyer, and not good enough. IMO. Thank you.
  3. That would be an interesting 'square go' The nimble, fast, featherweight Imrie v the big hulking mass of Campbell, can't decide who comes out on top. Thank you.
  4. Boredoms probably wanted to join, but couldn't afford the tenner. Thank you.
  5. This could go anyway. At least have a go Bowyer. Get Jak and the Zach on from the start. FFS. Thank you.
  6. It's a nonsense the prices, tough times for everyone, except probably Nelmsy, sitting with his feet up, in his mansion. Thank you.
  7. No sacking Doddsy or Gardiner now after this tremendous Scottish cup run. Fucking brilliant. Thank you.
  8. That's the facts, like it or lump it. Scottish footbal is a big enough laughing stock without this charade/pantomime. Thank you.
  9. I would ban them from the top flight until they had a ground that was compliant. An absolute farce that needs curtailed.
  10. It was designed as a cheaper alternative to it's big brother Rolex, but the quality of the Tudor lets it stand alone. I like the Rolex pepsi gmt, but there's no way I'm chucking 15 -20k on a watch, the Tudor version of it is less than a third of the price, for basically the same spec. Suppose a lot of it is brand/badge snobbery.
  11. Why don't they just build the stadium for a start, and let all the other nonsense gradually develop over time, if it's needed at all? What's the hold up? Too much bullshite. IMO.
  12. Think it's D-day tomorrow for the big man, hopefully justice prevails. Thank you.
  13. and those that can't teach, teach PE. Thank you. eta. You a PE teacher @DeeTillEhDeh?
  14. See that's the last one out of Lynyrd Skynard deid. RIP.
  15. Bronson/Salvador up for his parole this week, think he should be free to spend his last years in peace, been a bit naughty, but never killed anyone or harmed a child. Tom Hardy was superb in the film as well. Free Charles. Thank you.
  16. Save a little more and buy a Tudor, it's a no brainer.
  17. Nice looking watch, but, personally I wouldn't chuck that amount of cash at a micro brand. Just my opinion though.
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