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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Terrible, got bullied and dragged down to hoofball, don't think McMullan made a successful pass the whole game. Thought Bowyer should've left on Jak and went two up front for the last twenty.
  2. Ashgar brought him over for the DAB's seemingly, when it went tits up there, we took him on.
  3. Hopefully Bowyer and the team were watching this bbc pish.
  4. Never any mention of what the home end has sold. Will outnumber them for sure, hopefully provides an advantage.
  5. He'll be nowhere to be seen whatever happens, full of shite. IMO.
  6. Would like to see a draw in the weegie derby, think that would be ideal. Thank you.
  7. I've seen the video of him on here trying to play football. Think it's 'Soccer world'. Thank you.
  8. Parental advisory, language gets a bit fruity at the end. Thank you.
  9. Deliberately played slow to annoy that Connolly plonker. Thank you.
  10. Nice one, seen them, going to see The Smyths in May at The Church. Thank you.
  11. Close to a sell-out for this ? (whats the Dees allocation?) Will be very tough trying to get anything here, hopefully an attacking formation from the start. Think Arbroath will be fine, even if you lose this one. Thank you.
  12. That's the top four teams now settled. IMO. Another boo-hoo for the morten and their dimwit support. Very sad. Thank you.
  13. Fucking superb now that the shackles are off, these diddies couldn't cope with the constant attacks from both wings, really enjoyable. Nice one Bowyer, faith is restored. Thank you.
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