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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Think that was the best outcome we got today, watched it, was end to end, could've gone any way, they got a few bookings as well. Any season ticket holders not able to make it, be prepared to sell the relevant ticket out the book? DM if interested. Thank you.
  2. I despise Billy Dodds more than that pair, that's the way it is, if you don't like it tough. Thank you.
  3. Looking forward to witnessing your tanking in the final, if you can hold on. Hopefully it's the green arse cheek that dishes it out, Get it right up Gardiner and his short arse sidekick. Thank you.
  4. Spot on, thought he was pathetic in the 1st half, up against an ancient plumber, don't think he took him on once, just back passes/square passes, constantly coming inside. Championship is his level. eta same with the rest of the duds, apart from Robinson, boy is class.
  5. Great support turned up yet again, sadly let down, yet again. No thank you Bowyer.
  6. This is the type of shennagins that appear, when total fuckwittery/tinpottery is involved. IMO. Thank you. eta. Good interview with Hannant on stv news, seems to be a positive vibe about the place.
  7. Yeah, the young lads are superb, love the drum and the chanting, brings a bit of atmosphere into it.
  8. Good match to take someone for their first game, place should be jumping.
  9. Can't make up my mind if I'm confident about Friday night or 'shitting it' probably go 70/30 for confident, at the moment. Thank you.
  10. Been quite a few this season with the nonsense time wasting, almost from the kick off, would say Morten were the worst.
  11. Mind your own business, get your Morten home win, and don't go rolling over and taking it up the hoop, like you normally do. Thank you.
  12. Keep it professional, same side as today, and hopefully we have the quality to do it. By no means an 'easy game.' Thank you.
  13. Thank goodness that stress today is out of the way. Onwards and upwards. Thank you.
  14. Suspicious and worrying., probably the start of more covid nonsense. IMO.
  15. Jimmy Page bought Boleskine House on the shores of Loch Ness, and was then too scared to live in it (no fucking wonder). Thank you.
  16. You need better bait Sandy, you're trying to hook great white sharks, with earth worms from the garden. Thank you.
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