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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. I'd only hide behind him if you were attacking me big boy. Thank you.
  2. Yeah, you'd just sit on your arse, and watch an old lady get bullied and intimidated. IMO.
  3. In case he used 'said laws' against you? If you 'reasoned' with him properly, it wouldn't come to that. IMO.
  4. Why not? It's the only thing these morons understand. Thank you.
  5. Some winning streak 'Billy likes futba' has put together. Hopefully gets a three year deal, same for Gardiner. Thank you.
  6. He's got his critics, but big loss. IMO. Would like to see Byrne given a shot, point to prove etc Thank you.
  7. Get a decent ref for Inverness, and we can win, hopefully Collum (f**k me did I just say that) but he's the best out of a sad sorry bunch. IMO.
  8. It was the 94th minute, was timing it on my Casio G-Shock. Thank you.
  9. Yeah, terrible, doesn't seem to command the six yard box, and was a mile away from the free kick.
  10. Big exodus from the Derry when they went 3-1 up, don't understand these people at all.
  11. Competent referee today, and you clowns are nowhere near us. Thank you.
  12. f**k you Imrie you fucking rodent, f**k your time wasting team of donkeys, and f**k the sfa and their incompetent referees. Thank you.
  13. At least TONTROOPER is still compos mentis. Thats the main thing. Thank you.
  14. I see all the Morten have come crawling out. Oh dearie me. Thank you.
  15. Yeah, mrs took the pic, have had a word with him. Thank you.
  16. That's the type of watch I would imagine a Morten supporter would wear. Thank you.
  17. Same here, been a great idea and big success, but not for me.
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