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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. That looks great, would rather buy that, than the plastic moonswatch. Like the Pagani Patek as well. Thank you.
  2. McPake, he's an idiot IMO, just got to look at his twitter nonsense.
  3. I know it's 'old school' and frowned upon now, but my solution would be 'Bring back National Service'. Get these fuckwits into a military training camp, get them marching around, improve their fitness and mindset, and instill a bit of discipline into them. It's the only way really. Thank you.
  4. Lovely flicked pass from him to Cameron to set up the third. Excellent.
  5. Great player with superb hair, big Smiths fan as well. Thank you.
  6. Doogie desperately trying to get Morten into the play-offs. Time to beat these jobbers, at last. Thank you.
  7. Massive tonight. Marching onwards and upwards. Love you Zach. Thank you.
  8. Too much stress going on just now, without this. No thank you. Thank you.
  9. Footwear: Clarks desert boot (black suede) also adidas. T-shirt: Fruit of the loom, Smiths tee. Jeans/underwear: Next.
  10. Hopefully Robinson fit and we go with him and Jak, fire right into this mob tomorrow, right from the kick off. Thank you.
  11. I remember this tactic, the DAB's were particularly fond of it 'boo-hoo everyones injured, we don't have a team'. Kick off comes around, and every c***s fully fit performing miracles. Thank you.
  12. Thought the ref gave most decisions to Arbroath, first half McMullen hit the post, he was also one on one with the keeper and made an arse of it. There's no point having your scoreboard where it is either, toilets are a waste of time as well, by the time you get in, you probably would've urinated yourself. Thank you.
  13. That's true, you still got to play the Partick? No chance you're going down.
  14. No, 4.04 according to my Seiko skx (pretty accurate). Thank you.
  15. f**k knows whats thats about. The flag wasn't even fluttering on the flag pole.
  16. Terrible, got bullied and dragged down to hoofball, don't think McMullan made a successful pass the whole game. Thought Bowyer should've left on Jak and went two up front for the last twenty.
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