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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. Brilliant news, too blurry a pic though, could be anything on his wrist. Been cnc routering again. Thank you.
  2. Maybe take your mind off posting shite on the Dundee thread. Thank you.
  3. Hope you've fired that up on the Morten thread. Would rather have Imrie than Davidson, like or loath the little shit, has done a good job there with a load of dross and a shoestring budget. Thank you.
  4. Definitely, even got the same condescending look on his face. Thank you.
  5. We stopped the Dodds rat from getting back into the club, could we not do the same if worst comes to worst and 'Clum' is pictured with the Dee scarf above his grinning moronic pus? Just a thought. Thank you.
  6. Agree with the above sentiments, the small ginger man needs fucking binned, before more damage is done. IMO. Won't happen though.
  7. Cheeky little scamp, I would've gone with a Walls 'Feast', personally. Thank you.
  8. According to stv news the appointment will be made this week.
  9. It will be 'thick as mince' Davidson, probably. eta. f**k off 'Nelmsy'. Thank you.
  10. Same here mate, that would be the straw that finally broke the camels back.
  11. You need to calm down a bit, getting yourself into a right state. Thank you.
  12. WTF is going on here? Had this pantomime as a draw on the coupon.
  13. If the likes of Callum 'Clum' Davidson got the gig, I would probably give up on football, and go woodland rambling or something else. Thank you.
  14. Thought you were a bit harsh at the time, but on reflection, you were correct. Between the 'stats' and the stupid fishwife rumours, it's almost too much to read. Terrible, in a time of jubilation, this tedious individual has dragged the whole thread down. Thank you.
  15. Hiya Robert Thomson, hiya pal. No more rumours at the moment, so off you pop. Thank you.
  16. Nice one, I think that would be their look when Nelmsy offers them the cut price contract. Thank you.
  17. Same here, feet up, relaxed, popcorn out, watching the tangerine pantomime unfold. Wonderful. Thank you.
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