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Everything posted by tongue_tied_danny

  1. I saw that about a year ago and thought it was pretty good. It did drag on a bit but overall I enjoyed it. I also enjoyed their previous effort: The Guard.
  2. Dub Pistols are playing Buskers in Dundee on Sat 16th May. Never seen 'em before but they're supposed to be pretty good.
  3. Sneaky b*****ds... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja2NXS3njXs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayWKCsSHCI4
  4. Some of the best food I had in Tokyo was Yakatori (grilled chicken on a skewer) from some tiny, traditional Izakaya in Harajuku.
  5. This guy looks like the b*****d lovechild of Chas 'n' Dave.
  6. The St Andrews University fashion show seems like whompercunt central.
  7. My favourite Monday's track...
  8. If Vini Reilly counts... ... the so does A Certain Ratio.
  9. I wouldn't say it's ruined, but most horrific club photos are going to be a massive anti-climax after this.
  10. Viddy here my brother. Eugene and his droog are ready and waiting for a spot of the old ultraviolence. Any malchick who starts will take a tolchock in the yarbles. That's if they have any yarbles.
  11. Yeah, I posted the original picture and actually felt a wee bit guilty about it when I saw the slagging he was getting, especially when I realised that I'd spoken to him a couple of times when he worked in Private Eyes. It felt like I'd created a monster so I'm feeling slightly relieved that it's worked out okay.
  12. I've a question for Eugene. Did you rattle any of the strippers when you worked at Private Eyes?
  13. It looks like he's tried to already but is unable to get it posted. Eugene, click on "more reply options" at the bottom right and then you can attach a file to your post. Bravo for having the balls to sign up...
  14. Sweaty Morph. Is there something you're not telling us?
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