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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Went yesterday to get everything!! for the redecoration of the house. List of carpet sizes, paint colours, wallpaper amounts etc, after a week of her online research. Four hours later, home with just a new french door handle, “at least it’s a start” she said
  2. It can give him a hand to put the new fence up, I ain’t looking near now
  3. My son has just found this taking down his old fence
  4. I actually thought we were getting somewhere in this country, but the last couple of months says it’s just as bad as ever I won’t delete it, it has its good points as well, with family stuff. I just unfollow or block the morons
  5. Certainly since BLM I’ve been deleting all the racist c***s off, some of the stuff floating round Messenger is disgusting
  6. Wouldn’t even give you the steam off his pish
  7. I’m feeling left out at never being called a sassanach now. All I’ve ever had is English w****r/c**t/b*****d/tosser etc. I do however get Big yin or big man, but I’m only 6’0, might have been I was19 st though
  8. NoT before Time, aT lasT They all geT The message on my birThday, weekend sorTed, have a good one lads
  9. For instance I went to a beautiful wee coastal village this morning to work. The locals are great, but cheeky b*****ds. So I had the usual “English c**t” “Berwick b*****d” “I wouldn’t let you c***s over the border” all I took as banter off the inbreeds. I’ve nothing against it as light hearted banter, but there’s an element that’s getting nastier with it. The worst was when my son, as a young teenager, was told to f**k off and put out a shop, for wearing an England top. Ive never been called a sassenach
  10. Jock isn’t a word I’d use, nor would I use Taffy or Paddy towards the welsh and Irish. I fucking love this country, although I’ve never really felt welcomed. It just seems to have ramped up a bit, from fitba banter to something more malicious in recent years. Maybe it’s where I live, with more cross border interaction
  11. I’m English, but lived my whole adult life in Scotland and have had it all that time. Doesn’t bother me if I’m honest, but it has gotten worse the last 8-10 years.
  12. So sorry to hear about your mum and dad. As a grandparent myself bud, I can’t get my head around grandparents who have little or no contact. We’re heavily involved for giving our kids a break, or to let them work, with our 6 and wouldn’t have it any other way. You keep your heed up and use this thread when needed
  13. Serves you right, get it dunked in coffee ffs !!
  14. It makes great chips, although I miss the deep fat fryer
  15. The two older grandkids were fine with it all, the two younger ones we had issues with. Nico who’s two, used to walk around for hours in a state rather than go, sometimes having an accident, it will solve itself through time. They were all better with the potty than the toilet Exactly, I’d rather sit round a table, where we all enjoy the food, than have to constantly nip or bribe one of them into eating it
  16. Berwick will be a hoot on Saturday with some pubs reopening, I know of quite a few lads making the trip over the border
  17. At least it’s a start to putting him right, but it can be hard to get them to eat healthy etc. We have a tendency to give the grandkids what they want to eat on a Friday, no our job to upset them by putting meals they don’t want to eat, usually 6 different meals .
  18. Other way round here, I’m the worrier here, my daughter in law and wife just get wired in to every situation that arises. Probably why in the early years a lot was kept from me. I’m sure it’ll work out bud
  19. Hope they get him on the mend asap JG, the social services thing is a worry but common sense should prevail, all the best
  20. Charging stuff, 2 x heedlights, vape, phone, cordless drill, hoover, mini I pod
  21. We’re allowed back to the caravan on Saturday cannot fucking wait (ssshhhh going on Friday night) happy as Larry, could not be happier
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