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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Always need something in the calendar and to look forward to
  2. Surprised by this like Ahhhhhhh great days yon
  3. It doesn’t take much in fairness. He is amusing though with all his fake rage
  4. Well I’ve been naughty, we’ve had them all for a roast dinner. Back to the Friday pandemonium and house wrecked, feel on top of the world tonight
  5. If nothing else has been achieved by the last few pages, we at least now know who’s in this clique eh
  6. Or just flick past their post whilst saying tosser in your head
  7. As I’ve said, for no trace of it is peculiar to say the least, especially in here. Posters were trying awe roads to get him banned, he was accused of many things. Nuff said, have a nice day
  8. For what it’s worth, I don’t think Rab has said that to you in the context it’s being used Dele. P+B posters can pick posts out from years ago at the drop of a hat, surely something as abhorrent as what you’re saying wouldn’t have been missed, especially to be used against a poster who was as hated as Rab. Still, it seemed to help in the quest to get him banned, so job was a good’un
  9. There’s some lovely chirping in my back garden just now, can’t see it, but sat for an hour yesterday listening to it. I’ve also bought a green laser pen for the gulls, thought it was a pisstake but they don’t like it in the face
  10. I made my adult guests go in a bucket, kids had the potty. Totally unacceptable anyone letting them in your house
  11. You forgot the re wiring of his other house M9
  12. He was no more or no less obnoxious than many on here, my point is he was poked repeatedly and the outcome was inevitable. I didn’t see the dele comment, obviously if Rab knew his circumstances, no one could nor should defend that. However to lambaste that comment but gloat and mock a man who’s house burnt down is a bit mental imo. But it’s pie and bovril after all, a place where rules and decency are fucked up. Still, carry on, I never come off of here without a smile
  13. Aye I have a 34 and 31 year old, still your bairns. A few beers with them tonight before they collected the kids. What it’s all about
  14. When there is a decent alternative in Scotland, I’ll stop voting for them. I am slowly but surely changing my stance though, without the help of the majority of you. Ps. Don’t call me a c**t, I’m not a c**t, I’m lovely irl
  15. Rab is a good lad, but you and your brethren poked him with the shitty stick and that was the outcome
  16. Had all 6 grandkids and a niece from 8am, just all away at 8pm. I’ve been in my glory today. Sun, singing, paddling pools, barbecue and beers. No hugs, no kisses though
  17. Ahhhhhhh what a lovely thing to do, so sweet of him
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