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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. This doing the rounds now. Was always going to happen, which is why the knee shouldn’t stop, let the boos ring out, f**k them
  2. There’s a filter on the water inlet, try renewing your hose as it could have bubbled inside blocking it and put the shower head in vinegar
  3. Surely whilst on a dotting campaign you don’t check the posts ?? I’m taking it the easiest and fastest way is you just go on their profile and dot away to your hearts content ?? Surely you’re targeting the poster and not the post ?? Absolutely fascinating stuff
  4. As @Marshmallo is in charge of the dots, he should maybe make some dotty rules up, just so we’re all clear. Don’t use them reddy ones personally, but each to their own
  5. Was always coming Keith, all the best, albeit hard work for you and your wife
  6. The wife bought me one, got it changed over and handed me the plates, so didn’t have a lot of choice. Not really my thing but hey ho. Still can’t fathom out why they bother people so much though
  7. The afternoon squad here are getting an apple crumble and custard with their pints
  8. Spot on, I’m English but have lived and worked my whole adult life here. I wouldn’t choose anywhere else to live, but these blinkered idiots are definitely costing independence votes. Gone are the days of banter between us, replaced now with just pure hatred.
  9. Genuine question, in your opinion, what have the SG done different to WM to benefit ridding us of this virus ????
  10. Good luck to Eyemouth, but I think the wrong decision was made about coming back into the EOS. I’d gladly be proved wrong though
  11. Going for a Chinky wasn’t the brightest thing to say was it ?
  12. @Bairnardo and @Marshmallo are friends again, so alls good
  13. You put me in a group that I certainly don’t belong in. I haven’t been disrespectful to the travelling community in any way. I stated they look down on us, the gorgia community, that’s a fact
  14. Or someone that has been part of the Gypsy community for 36 years, that has witnessed and even taken part in some horrendous things. Still, crack on, I’ll bow to your superior knowledge on the subject
  15. I agree, the tinker chat is out of order, however no one looks down on people like a traveller/gypsy does towards us, they have their names for us too.
  16. Lucky you that your doors close, I just can’t be arsed taking all the stuff she’s hung on them off to close mine
  17. But I’ve seen him quoting and replying to him, that laddie has issues if this is true
  18. congratulations to you all @Jacksgranda glad all’s well. maybe for the best if she makes it 7 @keithgy
  19. £40 in diesel from Edinburgh to Dunfermline and back? What the f**k type of fuel drinker you driving? Past Edinburgh, not from Edinburgh
  20. Fancy a run tomorrow where ? Dumfries nat f**k right off ahh come on, it’s only 18 miles past Edinburgh eh, is it f**k it is where exactly are we talking about ?? sorry Dunfermline Riiiiight, what for ? a blind for the bedroom a blind aye only £35, you’d normally pay £80 plus £40 in diesel so a £5er saved aye but we get to go over the bridge aye go on then im too soft
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