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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Turning 30 was a piece of piss, turning 40 however really hurts
  2. X Factor finished,thank f**k !!!!!! I will miss Scherzinger though
  3. 6 cans of fosters and 6 cans of gin n tonic, we've been sitting drinking it in park where the York wheel was, like tway hobos
  4. Wife's playing bingo on the train, just dropped £530 the spawny bitch woohooooooo
  5. Plan of attack is go where I'm told, days like this I'm used as a pack mule. As long as I get a Sunday roast in the golden fleece inn and a few beers I'm happy. Carry out in the backpack for on the way home. On the batter = on the piss Zen, still messy which ever way you look at it ha
  6. now isn't the time for jokes, my Sunday on the batter is in jeopardy Zen
  7. This is why I love this wuman likes. She's bought her own Xmas pressies, brought the paper, scissors, selotape and tags through to me and all i've to do is wrap them, lush ! Off to York tomorrow on the train for the day
  8. Found out today I still had 4 days hols left to take, 2 weeks off at Christmas now awaits, f**k yehhhh
  9. congrats to you EZ. I know what you're going through mate, it isn't easy when things dont go as planned. My granddaughter was born with severe brain damage 2 1\2 years ago, resulting in distonic cerebral palsy. I was their when she was born and still struggle with all what happened that night, but it does get easier. There are a host of emotions to endure, but judging by your post I'm sure you'll get their. We never thought we'd smile again, let alone start enjoying life again, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. All the best for the future to you and your family
  10. Over 28,000 members and not one eye witness, useless fuckers !
  11. Had two meals out yesterday, the first took 45 mins to come, the second 50 mins. Both places got telt what I thought of their establishments, useless fuckers !
  12. health wise, a big difference. Can't say I miss coughing my guts up every morning lol
  13. Well, that's been 12 weeks without sucking on a fag.
  14. Had a great night with my sons at a smokers dinner, with Frank McAvennie and Andy Goram. Brilliant craic and the youngest won the Irish bingo, £200 the jammy fucker
  15. congrats, bath time must be a hoot at your house lol
  16. that's right, make your neighbours dogs shit themselves again tonight
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