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Everything posted by heedthebaa

  1. Swinney having a hooring mare here what a fucking eejit
  2. People who take a shite in public toilets, absolute scruffs
  3. PPI eh, no ken what it is, no understand it, but thank you very much all the same
  4. Raa raa and baby Jake are the in thing in our house, and I watch in the night garden every night regardless if the kids are here or no
  5. Ye see this is what makes EastEnders a cut above the rest of the soaps, its just so believable.
  6. Just tried to get the P+B app on my phone, 79p !!!!!!!!! For the privilege, fucking hell. Been a member for nearly 8 years and I'm asked to pay for this. Shoakin mun
  7. even what's left of the hierarchy are shitting themselves to say too much in case their next
  8. The banning of certain posters recently has definitely made this forum shittier than usual. It seems if you cry enough to the right people, you get your wish in the end.
  9. The Sweeney 9\10 made for a decent Saturday night in last night
  10. I feel your pain, granddaughter went in to get adanoids out and botox into knees and saliva glands at the sick kids. Out 2 days, then into the Borders General for 8 days with the flu. Bless her, just been lying on her side with gunk oozing out her. She has a poor swallow and a weak cough, she just can't clear it. Back to using a suction machine as well
  11. Was in a house last night and the lady asked if I'd heard her news from Xmas day. "No" I replied, "what news". "Im a great granny again". Her granddaughter went to hospital with back pains and the doctors thought she had a urine infection. The lassie of course knew better and refused to leave, as this is what happened in her first pregnancy, She knew absolutely nothing about it, until the labour. A good way to have a child, or not ?? Great granny is in shock lol
  12. KT Hopkins being pwopa nawty with the Ebola comments ha ha
  13. Crispy bacon sarnies with brown sauce and a walnut whip
  14. Hopefully he takes his opinions into the real world now and get some severe slappings
  15. Tried to jump a train yesterday from Newcastle to Berwick and got caught. £52 it cost me. Thought right, takes 45mins, wait for the guard, move to other end of train, he won't have time. What rolls in to station, a train with 3 fucking carriages, nabbed by Morpeth.
  16. Ye canny whack that feeling of emptiness after a good shite
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