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Everything posted by Hedgecutter

  1. I would have got fed up of packing bags every few days tbh, unless I was to have double of numerous things in two houses? Lumping all my school stuff from house to house in particular, or only having access to some of it at any given time for example. Want to play on the (then) Sega on a Thursday? Tough, wait until you're back at the Sega house on Sunday, etc. At least all that alternate weekends involves is packing a change of clothes & whatever electronic device one uses. Maybe it's a chore they just get used to (like doing the dishes or whatever), but without trying to be critical here, the whole split home setup just strikes me as something that's done for the parents' benefit at the expense of the kids' tbh. Everyone's different of course, but I would have far preferred the alternative weekend thing (which we had) rather than a split week. Hopefully you don't need to deal with the tedious "you owe me a day" thing should the kids stay at a family member's / go to a Scout camp / Whatever for a full Sat-Sun spell. *can one have multiple homes? Is it important to have a home? Who knows.
  2. Aye, Elgin. Not exactly Stenny or Peterhead in that league, are they.
  3. I really can't stress this enough. Hopefully not too much of a tangent here, but I got caught up in the middle of the aforementioned sh*t-flinging as a kid (being the messenger for various things, getting interrogated for info upon returning from weekends, etc) and all that happened is that I lost respect for both parents, more and more so looking back at it all as an adult. Long story short: don't involve the kids; it doesn't end well for anybody.
  4. 28 years on from their messy divorce and I still get uncomfortable when my parents are in the same country as each other, never mind the same street. The earlier comment about people changing their tune post-divorce is bang on in their case. You'd like to think that adults could act like adults (little things like not driving away with the other hanging out the car window after trying to get in the others face in front of the kids), but some folk can't help but end up in a sh*t-flinging contest that you'd expect from a playground. That's not a tongue-in-cheek comment btw. Only different hemispheres will do, which is thankfully ~90% of the time.
  5. That or one of my conference posters that I sent to the plotter the wrong size.
  6. "Let's get the holiday started early..." to add some 'fun' to an otherwise tedious day of travel. Some people just don't know when to stop though. ETA: you could extend this to any night out tbf where there's a culture where drink beyond the Chief Medical Officer's recommendation is seen as the fun thing to do. Same thing, just later in the day.
  7. I assumed this story from Montrose would have been posted up already, but seems to have gone under the radar: https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/11984613/coronation-street-flashed-boobs-booze-fuelled-chaos/
  8. I'm working with somebody who's always referring to their kid called Destiny, which has to be in the NED Name Premier League imo. Adopted from Northfield tbf.
  9. Taking one for the league. A one horse race for both the champion and relegation spots would just be boring for everybody.
  10. Seeing that on-loan Cardiff Academy Player of the Year Benjamin got hooked at HT. Comes with a 30 day full refund guarantee hopefully.
  11. Are Utd purposely wasting these opportunities just to do 'a Raith' on Raith, live on Peeping Tom TV.
  12. Part of me ended up wanting the Chiefs to win the other night when I saw the name McCloud written on one of the 49ers strips. ETA: that said, it's said as 'mac-lodge' in Gaelic I think, so maybe we're all doing it wrong anyway.
  13. They do a better job at it than the Germans at least.
  14. 14/02/24: No scoring for the visitors on the evening of Valentine's as the long suffering Maroons hand the tattie over to Turriff (Utd, not to be confused with purveyor of vegetables Les Turriff) following a 1-0 win.
  15. Just yesterday I saw a spag' bol' magically transform into a penne pasta dish. I was in a cafeteria where I saw the spag' bol', turned my head to speak to somebody for no more than ten secs, and when I turned back around to see if there was grated cheese for it there was a fresh cheese penne dish in it's place with no staff in sight. I had serious doubts about the whole 'water into wine' doctrine thing, but not so now. Incredible. You weren't there man. You weren't there.
  16. They need to widen their customer base to include the incestuous to replace the increasing number of people who see commercially-driven events as the sham they are. Call me cynical, but: January: Counting money from Christmas February: Valentines Day March: Mother's Day & Easter April: Dividend payments June: Father's Day July: Start of school holidays when half the country's abroad, so no point in asking them to buy cards then. August: Most popular month for birthdays & wedding anniversaries September: World Atopic Eczema Day December (now into Nov for the early buyers): Christmas
  17. Because most people watching who will never have heard of them would be wondering why the f*** there's a Canadian* band playing. That said, the Germans absolutely love Runrig who have a huge fan base over there.
  18. After my trip to PRP earlier this season, I'd imagine I'm in a fairly small group of people to have gone on an away day and unexpectedly returned home with a new wetsuit.
  19. I've recently awoken from a dream in which that I accidentally sent a link to a funny 200+ greenied P&B post to absolutely everybody with an Aberdeen Uni email domain. I also went for a walk with my hairy lurcher and encountered a woman walking about half a dozen which looked exactly the same (I've yet to see another like him in real life). I then saw a Labrador getting run over by a lorry, and then wondered why there were four moons in the sky. A space shuttle was trying to dock inside of one, and I climbed up a lamp post to try and get a picture to prove I wasn't making it up. That's all from the same dream.
  20. It annoys me that the hour after 11am isn't called 12am.
  21. Anyone solved this game of hangman yet?
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