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Everything posted by f_c_dundee

  1. Yay Legdzins made a save. Gonnae be an outbreak of high blood pressure in the Dundee area the day.
  2. Oh FFS. No one that's not a Dundee fan could understand why I wasn't looking confident this week. 40 odd years practice of Heid >>hands
  3. Sigh. It's not all panicking about rapists - it's about the right of everyone to have privacy and dignity in their own single sex space. It is however laughable to suggest anyone said that men would 'only' do their dirty deeds if they can identify as a woman. It's that you are increasing the opportunity by lowering the existing barriers. Of course they will chance it if people are less likely to challenge them. My workplace is massive, it's the biggest employer in the area in fact. One transwoman that I am aware of in our workplace, does choose to use the women's locker room/toilets. I wasn't aware as it's in a different part of the site than me, but our v chatty cleaner was complaining that he asked his boss about it, and she said "well we can't really say anything about it". There's at least one young trans identifying female, I'd be surprised if they use the men's though, by male colleagues accounts they are no v pleasant. There is a balance between respecting how people want to express themselves and declaring everyone a bigot for not accepting every identity as fact and accepting anyone who chooses into wherever they want. No?
  4. Self ID as law isn't the issue though. It's the fact that it's already been presented as the right thing to do and been accepted in so many places. My workplace is one of the ones with a policy that says if I'm unhappy that a man identifying as a woman wants to use the toilets or changing rooms, I should go elsewhere.
  5. Yeah, prisoners are expendable or something
  6. It's his mother he's threatened and other women he's attacked viciously though. Sounds like he's had a really horrendous life, but he still has to be detained safely, as a very dangerous person. Women's prisons generally have limited facility for highly dangerous prisoners as well.
  7. Several prisoners having to have close supervision in women's prisons for one. Barbie Kardashian anyone? Leo Varadkar's face was a picture when he was finally challenged by a journalist on the issue. https://twitter.com/WomensSocIre/status/1638262631927631889?t=YHYYbBxdeOiAs8DfYSm2BA&s=19
  8. Yes, that was the case. Although it's rare overall, the drift to self ID has enabled chancers, I don't believe you can deny that. I've pinched an explanation that I saw shared of the criminal/ social theory involved from someone more eloquent than me and included their link to Wikipedia: "en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Routine_activity_theory A crime exists because there is a combination of an offender, a suitable target and a lack of a capable guardian. At the moment, the courtesy system means people using/supplying women's spaces act as a capable guardian as they can challenge any male appearing person if they sense a threat. (And trans women have been using our spaces unchallenged for years, which shows that if no threat is perceived women are happy for trans women to share space) If self-ID comes in, women and girls won't be able to perform that capable guardian function. Indeed we already see guidance suggesting that women raising concerns are the problem and should be the ones asked to use private spaces instead. Routine activity theory shows that removal of the capable guardian will increase crimes” I've also seen it described using the "Swiss cheese model" - 2 of the layers of protection are sex segregated spaces and the people raising the concerns. It's not about demonising trans people, it's about realising the potential effect of these societal changes and dealing with them, not denying they exist.
  9. So....all we need to do is not lose. Oh shite, we're Dundee. Looking forward to another relaxing Friday next week then.
  10. We did just keep trying the same thing - playing through the forest of Cove players clogging up the box. It was like fkin pinball watching it bounce back out. It did feel like there must surely be some kind of other plan to try.
  11. Genuinely my (only just) teenager who has no interest in football was pissing himself laughing, while I tried to get him no to repeat it to his youngest sibling who hadn't quite heard it. (Youngest almost fell asleep on the couch at half time, possibly the right idea tbf)
  12. Attempting to be brief, but have also had a beverage or 2 while watching the horror that is Dundee FC They're not annoying questions, bit quite commonly asked. Really, it's not all about toilets. In the USA there is a lot of chat about 'Bathroom Bills" which tends to divert discussion at times. There quite obviously wouldn't and shouldn't ever be checks, genital or otherwise - that's a nonsense idea. We managed without even *thinking* about checks for many years, when transsexuals (as was the description in the original UK GRC legislation) genuinely were a tiny minority, estimated at around 4-5000 people in the UK in 2004. Estimates now of how many people identify as trans vary a lot but you're now talking about multiples of 6 figures, not 4 figures. The bar is also a lot lower thanks to organisations being advised to implement self id policies "ahead of the law", in the assumption that GRA 2004 reforms would go through unchallenged. Plus the 'umbrella' expanding to include cross dressers, 'gender fluid' and 'non binary' individuals. What has changed, in essence, is the push to discard previous societal norms - that males should not be accessing or expecting to use women's changing rooms or toilets (see also prisons, hospital wards, refuges, support groups etc. etc). The societal protection afforded by the taboo of entering opposite sex toilets (or any other single sex spaces) is weakened by this, if people are worried to challenge anyone and/or if unisex facilities are the only ones available. Women who have transitioned and present as male is a different issue. While they might cause alarm to some women initially if they appear convincingly male, any women I've encountered online or in RL is unbothered by them using female facilities in principle. The the overriding issue in discussion is the likely behaviour and/or danger from men, who are *on average* larger, stronger and hugely more likely to commit violent and sexual crimes. The reason trans men are mentioned much less often, is that there are fewer of them loudly demanding access to male spaces and they are not exactly causing a risk/nuisance to men. It's not zero - ask the gay men who don't have any interest in them. However although they aren't always respecting men's wishes or men's single sex spaces, dating apps etc., They are more at risk themselves e.g if they insisted on going to a male prison. A mess, really.
  13. It's no a "how many can you fit in the box" contest either though.
  14. Jesus that was awful. As expected to be fair. Oldest enjoyed hearing "get the fkin ball you c**t" via iPlayer commentary though
  15. Thank fk, Macmullan coming on. Thought he was going to wait until 5 mins to go.
  16. Legzdins half way up the pitch cos there's no Cove players in Dundee half anyway
  17. Maybe no wait until 10 mins to go for subs this week. Wtf, was he leaning on Robinson's head?
  18. Seems a nice chap as well, chatted to the bairns when we bumped into him outside Gayfield
  19. 100% could do with McMullan, canny be any worse surely. Probably have someone hinging on his shirt anyway the day.
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