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Everything posted by f_c_dundee

  1. Maybe - it's 7 year olds playing 4v4 with no keeper, they'd all be shattered by 45 mins so Dundee would have a chance
  2. Cove look like my wee bairns team playing , every single one of them within a few feet of the ball
  3. Time wasting b*****ds wtf Just hae a wee sit doon on the pitch pal and we'll stop the match again.
  4. Would you no moan if you had to watch Dundee? 40 odd years of "fucksake" for me.
  5. I was just saying that myself. Reminds me of 80s Adidas kits.
  6. I don't think it was a call for a ban either - I took it as a wry comparison to when I got "a wee holiday". Cos this site has a bit of a sense of humour, eh!
  7. No one is painting anyone as victim, where did you get that? What I said was without the protest blocking it, "people watched a film" would be a really shit news story. The protest created the drama.
  8. The event yesterday was also to involve a discussion according to the organisers, so that's a wee bit of a twisted interpretation. No show or drama would occur though, if you didn't have people blocking them from attending a film showing and being allowed to talk... Stay at home and watch YouTube wimmin!
  9. Astute analysis as always. Top drawer. I'm no going to cry if you laugh at me you know.
  10. Here's just one example where I was told you can. But of course it's not reproductive sex, it's...the other kind I think I was told?
  11. Probably just next to the ones saying there are 6 sexes?
  12. So you agree with me on the most fundamental point that I am making, that humans cannot change sex. You do realise that actually makes you a transphobe though? If you post that on Twitter, you'll get some interesting replies I'm sure. Why must we accept that? Who says? You've gone a bit "Hitler was a vegetarian, so all vegetarians are evil" if you go down that route. You have missed the point - it's not about being offended. It's about being dismissed as a transphobe/heretic/witch instead of being listened to about your legitimately held concerns. I've never been offended by being told I must be a transphobe, I just roll my eyes at the logic fail really. But this is how we do safeguarding. If you want to work or volunteer with vulnerable people, you must apply for the PVG scheme, you can't be all outraged at being lumped in with potential criminals. Men should still be excluded from the category of women, because nothing changes when they change how they identify (as you yourself believe - they can't change sex). So there is just as much chance of them being a criminal as there is for any other man. We can't excuse them from the category of men based on identification. I posted a good few pages back about crime statistics, not to be down on men, but to show the reasons why people are not happy. That was a bloody stupid view though, no? Based on actual prejudiced beliefs. Gay men would be in the category of men, like all other males, not a special extra dangerous category. The arguments might sound the same, but it is not the same thing. Have you seen the state of the police recently? No one will bother to report rape soon, as the conviction rates are so woefully low. They will just suffer in silence. Well no one actually asked women or men how they felt, did they? As pointed out previously, it was on a very small scale and composed mainly of male transexuals (this is the language used in the GRA before you panic) quietly trying to live as a woman. (don't even ask me what that means btw). Since the 'transgender umbrella' became a thing, the category has expanded massively and now explicitly includes transvestites and 'gender fluid' people. Again, it's apples and oranges you are comparing. I'm in favour of freedom of expression, stereotypes are complete shite and I don't subscribe to them at all. It's when you are changing laws based in ill-defined and essentially unprovable terms like gender and transgender. Are we are defining transphobia though as 'doesn't believe people can change sex', as I have been told? Millions of people hold that view, even you. A phobia would imply that all these people think that trans people are just bad and wrong for no reason but prejudice, surely? I have actually encountered some people who think that the UK GRA should be repealed, as they believe it is bad law. They're not extremists as far as I can see, but they are pointing out that the law was not designed for the current numbers of people identifying as trans. It was assumed to be apply to such a tiny number of people, that no one would mind. So to apply it to a larger group of people and simultaneously take away the safeguards put in place at the time, is not a reform that a lot of people can get behind logically. It also began some of the conflation of sex and gender, by creating a law mentioning 'acquired gender' but then also saying that these people could be considered a member of the opposite sex. (except for sex discrimination, where the comparator is a member of their own sex ). It's just way more complicated than your homophobic bigots of the past, even if some of those old bigots are happy to chime in on this. In my opinion the GRR bill was a joke, started with a committee who listened to one point of view much more than anther, and any amendments with teeth were voted down. Actually started with "consultations" which were attempted to be run without any publicity, and at the second attempt the SG dragged their feet massively about publishing comments as promised. It's a mess and could have been discussed better from the start if discussion and debate were permitted and if so many people weren't too scared to say anything because (circling back) they were told they were bigots and transphobes.
  13. Could have been a lot worse for me - one of my parents is a Dee and the other is an Arab. Luckily I was saved from the Dark (aka tangerine) Side, unlike my sibling.
  14. As a Dundee fan originally from very near Inverness, I can either be doubly insulted as a Teuchter Mink, or maybe they cancel each other out?
  15. A chance of a different winner every year does really helps. It's just boring AF finding out if it's Rangers or Celtic this year. Also agree with the earlier post regarding the general nonsense of seeing just how pish your team will be this week, or if you'll get a surprise decent performance.
  16. As a fellow pedant that's totally fair. It was a bit lazy to not specify that it was related to continuing non payment. Just trying to make the point that the overall offending patterns for those in women's jail is different. Women's prisons trend to be smaller and hold fewer violent individuals. Statistically many women in prison have suffered abuse themselves already, so to further traumatise them by forcing them to share facilities with male bodied people seems particularly cruel. It may be only 'small numbers', but what number is deemed to be ok? Who signed off on the risk assessments that barely considered the women inmates and focused on the needs of the trans identifying individual? The critical thinking process about the actual effects of introducing policies such as this seems to have been absent in many cases. Women prisoners as a group aren't being listened to either. https://www.crimeandjustice.org.uk/news/2021-07-02/high-court-ruling-male-prisoners-womens-prisons While the judge in this case agreed that the women prisoners were being discriminated against, they basically shrugged and ruled that it was lawful so, tough really. Meanwhile you've people on here smugly joking about imaginary genital inspectors. Which were a) never a thing and b) strangely never even joked about, until the widening of the expectation to segregate facilities by sex rather than 'gender identity'. I'd love to know what kind of people you think I and others are that are not in 100% agreement with you though? I mean, I realise being a Dundee fan could lead to questions about my own overall sanity, but really? Are we all likely to be either misinformed, bigoted, or just reading the wrong news?
  17. I'm not in a bunker, I read widely, I've looked masses of available evidence and opinion on both 'sides'. My closest experience is through friends kids and kids at my oldest's school. You can find online though, as easily as I can the experiences of all kinds of people, young and old. Again even if my own kid felt like they were unhappy in their body, I'd not suddenly abandon everything I believe in. I'd be looking for proper support for them to deal with their feelings about themselves. I'm as certain as I can be, because as I said words have meanings. Especially in law and in policies and in legislation. If you blur what these words mean and get rid of boundaries, there are material effects. Rhino or unicorn, people can't change sex. That's not closed minded. Queer theory and philosophical ponderings are ideas, not reality. I'm sure you'll find some shit to pick at in my post and ignore 95% of what I say anyway. If something is true/possible/real in somebody's head, that's not a basis for making new laws. Like I said you can feel bad for your friends or family involved in this, but that's not a reason to pretend we should all agree that there's no effect and no one has the right to discuss it. Should we?
  18. 2 years> 3 months + 'reflection' Medical diagnosis > sign a bit paper Minimum age 18> crack on if you're 16 Nah just the same. Nearly all? We're attacking them how? So daft haha. Male violent criminals in women's prisons is just mildly silly. Remind me again the demographics - what's the average crime for women in jail (clue: quite a lot of shoplifting, drug offences, not paying TV licences, that kinda thing) and how many are in for violent crime? Compare that to the men in jail. It's not just the legislation. As per the screenshots I posted yesterday, this was done in the background - the prison service in Scotland was literally the experiment. James Morton of the Scottish Trans Alliance explained that if they could get the SPS to accept self ID it would be easier to get it accepted in other organisations. (Paraphrasing, but you can Google it). Ideal eh, women prisoners - no one cares if they object! That's not really a good thing though, is it, that documents can be changed so easily? The idea of 'asking permission' is interesting. Reality exists and words have meaning. It's not about limiting people for the sake of it. It's about the effect of changing the meaning of words, in law and in day to day use. Yes, they're different. It's not a feigned misunderstanding. Sex is a material reality. Women never have a penis. Gender as we previously knew it, is a bunch of crappy stereotypes of femininity and masculinity. Which limit both men and women. The concept of gender as an identity which can supercede sex, is not the same thing.
  19. Exactly. I already bored everyone's arse off with how long I've been hearing/thinking about it. That makes me weird too though so I canny win. If all you've got is havers though
  20. I've explained there's no such thing. It's not about disliking trans people. We're discussing the fact that I find people's material sex to be a more important way of differentiation, than how they feel inside or want to be seen. Honestly you're trying to discredit me again, instead of answering. It's getting boring now. Are you convinced that only people who know someone trans personally are allowed an opinion on this topic, is everyone else just a bigot who is stupid and transphobic? You don't need to be triggered to take an interest in any area of politics, last time I checked?
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