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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. In my opinion that's why we've been so succesful this season-Petrie has kept together the core of the squad that was bottom of League 2 and with them he has won that league and finished in the playoffs in League 1. i agree with 1320Lichtie though, that the Championship is probably a step too far for most of the players, but if SP believes that we are where we are because of these players and they deserve the chance of playing in the Championship, then fair enough. He will need to enhance the squad with a bit more quality if we do go up, which is probably unlikely (again, only my opinion and would be happy to be proved wrong).
  2. See on Twitter that Foxy has retired, cracking player on his day. He's going to join the coaching team
  3. I am loving being a Mo fan at the moment. I'm under no illusions that things will probably turn to shit at some point, but the last two seasons have been magnificent. What makes it even more surprising is that there are still a large core of players that were there under Hegarty (Watson, Masson, Fleming, Ross Campbell, Steeves, Webbie and probably more (apologies if I've got any wrong)) that are still playing regularly. I think that is testament to Stewart Petrie who has kept them at the club and, on the whole has, has turned them into better players.
  4. Been a couple of times for a few pints pre-match, always been decent when I've been in.
  5. Also the fine Kevin Webster goal against Berwick that still has them seething.
  6. Petrie has worked wonders since he took over. Also great to see is the club much more involved in the community. Success on the pitch seems to be leading to increased sponsorship. All in all, at the moment, things are looking pretty good. Key to that is keeping hold of Petrie for the next couple of years
  7. I loved the 'puke with diced carrot top', my all time favourite. Im more concerned whether they'll have any mega fat b*****d sizes for me!!
  8. Congratulations to the smokie b*****ds, well deserved
  9. The food at Fazenda is superb. Defo recommend
  10. Sorry to jump on your thread guys, me and a couple of guys from work will be attending the sure to be thrilling encounter on Saturday. We fancy grabbing something to eat and having a couple of pints while watching the Arsenal game. We'll be getting the train from Edinburgh. Are there any decent boozers close to the station that will be showing the early kick off and that serve food? Any suggestions gratefully received.
  11. It's part of the fleet of crows that has been contracted to deliver supplies to us post-Brexit
  12. Sorry to be a pedant, but it literally isn't 'thousands of miles away'. It is one thousand (singular), one hundred and five miles away.
  13. Okay fair does, I got it wrong by googling. Still a long way from being thousands of miles.
  14. Sorry to be a pedant, but Ferrara (Italy) is only 691 miles as the crow flies from Inverness, not the 'thousands of miles' as you claim. I am sorry, I just feel like being a d**k today.
  15. Feel sorry for both of them, bad injuries impeding their progress. All the best to them in the future
  16. I'd like to see a couple of new players at least. A striker (like every other team in Scotland) and a decent centre half.
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