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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. Probably safer just to fondle his own nut-containing bag, avoiding getting a slapping from 2 angry ladies.
  2. The Godfather-first time I have ever watched it despite wanting to do so for years. Very fine film. 9/10
  3. I think Hayden still has a lot to offer in test cricket, especially with the upcoming Ashes series where there will be a lot of new(ish) players in both sides and his experience could count for a lot.
  4. It is potentially a good attack, but Harmison becomes the invisible man away from his comfort zone of playing in England so you are effectively a bowler down in series away from home.
  5. If you do get it together with the second girl make sure you wear a raincoat this time otherwise you will have to work your nuts off during summer to pay the maintenance for 2 bairns
  6. 1. I once met John Peel after a set he played in Edinburgh (I had left after his set cos the rest of the music was crap and he was standing outside) and I had a drunken conversation with him while he shook my hand continuously for about 5 minutes. 2. After a night on the bevvy I was so desperate for a crap that I had to go in one of the alleys off Rose Street. Otherwise i would have shat myself. 3. I was voted the season's most valuable player at American Football in my final year at uni. It meant a lot to me as my fellow players voted almost unanimously for me. 4. One of my friends has applied for the Montrose manager's post about 5 or 6 times (some of these times even when there has been a manager in place). His applications are hilarious and always make me laugh. 5. When i die, I want my ashes scattered on the Isle of Skye, the most beautiful place on Earth. I do hope that it will be a while before this happens.
  7. Fricking Bournemouth against some non-league no hopers.
  8. Frikkin cyclists, why in Holyrood park do they insist on using the road when there is a cycle path that runs alongside the road? I know, it is to hold up car tax paying motorists and prevent them getting to work on time. Also the ridiculous amount of roadworks going on in Edinburgh at the moment is phenomenal. Could they make it any more inconvenient to get to work?
  9. I echo your sentiments except for Partick Thistle. Had got the other 6 results correct yesterday, and was waiting on them for over 50 squid.
  10. Cyclists are really starting to piss me off. They seem to be able to go through red lights, ride on pavements, ride side by side, in short do whatever the f*ck they want, while good car driving citizens have to stick by the laws of the road and get stuck behind these c*nts. I would also imagine that most of them don't pay road tax either, in which case they don't deserve the same rights as car drivers. Rant over.
  11. Unfortunately I never had that pleasure. I only started playing cricket when I moved to Edinburgh. And I am not that good, only play for fun really.
  12. They had opened up the church hall round the corner from the ground and we had lovely egg and cress sandwiches with cups of tea and cakes, was cracking. It is a lovely place to play cricket.
  13. Errr it was us that lost to Largo and I took one of the catches at slip. In mitigation (if there is any), 4 of the first 5 wickets were their younger players and the more experienced guys came in after that. However there is no way we should have lost that game. Cracking pitch, cracking tea and decent bunch of guys though.
  14. 4th team. Am pish, but love playing cricket.
  15. Who for? I play for Murrayfield-Dafs in the East League.
  16. Big Country, Liquid Rooms, 28th December
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