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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. Number one on list, pro-Palestinian Arbroath fan, currently working undercover in Stirling.
  2. If I remember correctly I tried to do the same a wee while back and couldn't do it. Could be that I'm just a useles c*nt though.
  3. It's commonly referred to as the dundonian method of birth control. Unfortunately it's not 100% effective
  4. I am dismayed that one of the Professor's students could make such an elementary mistake. Good luck anyway.
  5. I am anti-bike. I frigging hate cyclists, ignorant fuckers the vast majority of them. It seems that most of them have well-developed night vision because they don't seem to need lights on in the dark any more.
  6. Had to re-home our cat last night due to impending birth of our first child. It had been staying temporarily at my brother-in-laws for a few months so hadn't really seen it that often anyway, but it was a bit of a wrench to give her away. It is however going to a good home where it will be well looked after. Another down side was my clumsy oaf of a brother-in-law spilling cat litter all over the back seat of my car-I'm going to have to take it for a full valet over the weekend to get rid of the stench of cat piss. Sending him the bill though.
  7. Who knows, but no doubt it will take months, be ridiculously expensive and cause a horrendous amount of disruption.
  8. Exactly, but at least it's easier for me to get out of the junction now!!
  9. It's the weekend, wooohhoooo!!! But I have shed loads of painting and varnishing ahead of me.
  10. I miss Professor Dick. His laid back style of teaching modern Scottish history was inspirational.
  11. Fuxake guys calm down, it's only the internet. And it's almost Friday, we should all be happy.
  12. That is a good idea, I shall do that tonight if it isn't too dark by the time I get home. I haven't had this problem until last week though.
  13. 1. There is certainly nothing sweet about my poo. 2. I certainly don't want a p***k in the bum, either from a wasp or another man.
  14. It is getting really freaky and I am somewhat scared now in the morning when I go to the bog. it has totally spoiled what used to be a very enjoyable part of my day.
  15. Some b*****d pulled out right in front of me on the way to work this morning forcing me to brake hard and working me up into such a state of apoplexy that I probably nearly had a stroke. Plus there were 2 more wasps buzzing around outside (thankfully) my bathroom window this morning again interrupting my morning dump, with we looking over my shoulder regularly to ensure that neither of the striped scumbags got in.
  16. I actually live in Edinburgh, but there was another frigging wasp in the bathroom this morning, but it disappeared so I couldn't squish it. This is getting seriously freaky.
  17. I was sitting on the bog last week and heard this buzzing. It was a wasp buzzing against the bog window. When it landed on the wall next to me I skelped it with the book I was reading on said bog. 'That's a relief', I thought, 'wouldn't like to get stung on the arse'. But lo-and-be-fucking-hold, there was another wasp buzzing against the window. Again i had to wait until it landed in an area where I could squish the mofo, at the same time being quite immobile while taking a dump. Eventually I was able to squish it. I was very relieved, but to my horror there were another 2 wasps buzzing against the window trying to get in. I finished my dump, wiped my arse, checked the windows to ensure they couldn't get in and then got the feck out of there. It was like Hitchcock's Birds, but with wasps. Totally ruined what was until then a very pleasant dump.
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