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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. The Seafield one is a lot better now, and would agree that the Milton Road one was pointless. I hate the Crewe toll roundabout and avoid it where possible. Changing them wont help much when they are still used by all the ignorant fuckers that use the roads.
  2. You better not phone in sick for your next shift in ASDA, they are notoriously strict on attendance issues.
  3. She doesn't seem to have a problem with handling mine, if it's any consolation.
  4. Just like your use of multiple internet 'personalities'. Haven't seen you in ASDA for a while, you still working there?
  5. No problems whenever I have played, never had one pop out. Much safer than glasses, but if you are worried about lenses coming out take a spare one with you just in case.
  6. The use of the word 'sat' has the same effect on me, eg 'I was sat watching telly'. IT'S SITTING FOR f**k'S SAKE.
  7. You must have a lot of time to do nothing in ASDA if you are constantly thinking up new persona's to post under. No wonder some of the shelves were empty in the 'fresh' meat coolers the other night. Now, get your finger oot and get back to work!!
  8. I know it makes sense, but unfortunately the wife rarely agrees with my point of view. Plus the pubs in town will be bonkers as well as more expensive than normal. Bloody broken thumb, if it wasn't for that I would be playing cricket and avoiding this nightmare.
  9. Having to go and see a couple of shows in the festival tomorrow with the wife. No doubt town will be crowded, we will be crammed into a small sweaty venue with a bunch of wannabe thesp wanks, and the shows will be crap. Can't frigging wait.
  10. I now have a cast for my broken thumb which is extremely impractical. Can't write, can't tie my shoe laces, but I can type and just about drive so I can still come into work. Wiping my arse with my left hand is proving interesting, and not looking forward to my first w**k.
  11. Sitting in the royal infirmary with a broken thumb after having it broken playing cricket yesterday
  12. It's called ASDA at the Jewel. You should know, you work there.
  13. What is the ASDA policy on wearing eye patches at work? I reckon it may affect your ability to judge distances and may lead to you crashing a trolley full of milk into an innocent old granny (not necessarily a bad thing) and therefore is probably a Health and Safety issue.
  14. Hangovers. Having not drunk alcohol for quite some time, I overindulged in red wine and cider last night. Proceeded to speak shite to a lot of work colleagues and to top it all off after chucking out time I proceeded to attempt to do 'The Worm' on the pavement outside the Guildford in Edinburgh. I think the effect was akin to what I would imagine an epileptic beached whale to look like. I enjoyed it though, apart from the spewing this morning.
  15. Well obviously not at the moment due to your academic work. Go on, post your work and we will help you out.
  16. Should you not be re-stocking the milk in ASDA? Why don't you post your paper here and let us P & Bers help you out?
  17. Arnold Clark being a bunch of ripping c*nts. Had agreed to buy a car at a certain price as part of the scrappage scheme. C*nts get back to me today (tonight being when I was due to pick the car up) saying that there is a problem with the initial registration of our old car, despite them having checked it out at the time and approving it. They are therefore saying that the car will cost an extra grand despite us having agreed the price and paid a substantial deposit and having said nothing else about extra checks of registration and finance having been agreed. The c*nts have been told that they will give us the car at the agreed price or go f*ck themselves. Bunch of fucking c***s.
  18. That would be a superb idea. Although, my one and only appearance for the P&B football team did not go too well.
  19. He can occasionally be found working in the ASDA at the Jewel in Edinburgh if you wish to track him down.
  20. You should have at least asked her, now you will never know and it will eat at you for a while, but you will get over it and next time the situation arises you will hopefully realise that it is better to know one way or another whether she reciprocates your feelings. There is absolutely nothing to lose in asking another human being whether they like you 'sex-wise'-it may hurt for a while if she says no, but another opportunity will come along.
  21. At least you had an afternoon of pagan sex before she left. Don't worry, you'll soon get over it and back into the saddle again. I hate cyclists, I really do.
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