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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. Thank you. What are the factors that cause it to differ?
  2. On my drive home from work tonight a question popped into my head, the answer to which I didn't know. Does anyone know what the gestation period of red deer is?
  3. I wouldn't need to w**k if i was a priest, just get a job in an Irish orphanage
  4. Quick question, is it wrong to masturbate at work?
  5. You might as well start preparing for a career on the dole.
  6. What's the ash forecast for the morn?the mother in law is supposed to be visiting and I can't be arsed-what are the chances of flight disruption?
  7. Can you not just ask Big Edin for a loan until your cheque clears? I'm pretty sure he would be happy to help.
  8. My shower. You get hot water for a few minutes then lukewarm water for ages and then if you are really lucky you get hot water again. What the f**k is going on with it????
  9. Just wanted a wee bit of advice about opening an online account for betting on the fitba. I mostly bet small amounts for fun/interest, but would like to make a wee bit of money as well. What I am looking for is a website that is easy to use, easy to set up an account and semi-decent odds. Would be grateful for any recommendations.
  10. Just use your front door, it's not like it offers any great resistance to intruders anyway
  11. Ross county screwed up one of my lines early doors but it was certainly worth it to see the greatest fans in the world streaming out of hampden when the second goal went in. Swindon in the other
  12. And also ignorantly blocking the view of people standing behind you.
  13. The real nappies certainly seem like something worth considering. The only problem would be washing them-we live in a 2nd floor flat and only have a small communal drying green out the back, so if someone else gets their first you're screwed. Plus the lovely Scottish spring weather isn't conducive to quick drying. Shall look into it though
  14. Thanks for the advice re nappies and leaky pooh chaps, much appreciated. Thankfully it's fairly obvious when she is having a poo so it is generally possible to take action promptly to prevent leakage, but on the occasions when it isn't detected it goes everywhere (over the nappy up her back, up her tummy) and of course she is kicking away and the poo gets all over her legs, feet and me, which is fun.
  15. I always make sure the frilly bit is outside the elasticated bit but nothing seems to stop the pooh
  16. Is there any make of nappy that doesn't leak pooh? I swear I've tried pampers, huggies, tesco asda and sainsburys own brand and none of them keep pooh in
  17. No, he's going to f**k you up with his new schoolbag.
  18. Nope, I quite like him too, although he does bring a lot of the abuse he gets on himself. Mind you, some of the abuse he does get is ridiculously over the top and some people should get a life instead of constantly targeting him.
  19. Newcastle on one line and dundee utd on the other
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