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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. Cheers dude, will have a good look round to see what best meets our needs
  2. Well spotted, I was just using that as an example of heresy.
  3. To mention Mitchell in the same sentence as Professor R J Finlay is tantamount to heresy.
  4. That is a good question. One of the best commentators around, if not the best.
  5. If you concentrate and focus your mind you will establish a telepathic link with The Great One. Then your problems will be solved.
  6. An inspiration to everyone who wants to live in a better world. He has moulded me into the person I am today-lazy, lecherous and a stranger to the concept of deadlines. It's only a matter of time before I start smoking and wearing a leather jacket. I have a lot to thank him for.
  7. Out of interest, what kind of processor and/or graphics card should I be looking for, which would allow me to play FM and other strategy type games?
  8. It is actually quite painful when applied to the baw area
  9. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003S3R7RU/ref=s9_simh_gw_p147_d0_i1?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1WZQJG5HKQVS56AWB11D&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=467128533&pf_rd_i=468294 Anybody know if this is a decent laptop? I don't know a great deal about laptops (or computers in general). My wife was thinking about getting one to help with studies she is about to undertake and I would like to know whether the processor/whatever is good enough to play Fitba Manager and other strategy games. Would greatly appreciate anyone's advice/comments.
  10. I would imagine there would be some kind of ombudsman that you could appeal to
  11. It is a really dull, poor film. Was very disappointed with it. Would recommend you don't watch it.
  12. I'm not saying I don't agree with you, but it's a bit precious to object to personal insults when you are quite happy to dish them out, irrespective of reason
  13. We used an Amber bracelet which we wrapped round the little ones ankle. Being our first child we have nothing to compare it against to say whether it worked or not, but the whole initial teething thing wasn't as bad as i thought it would be
  14. So you will be getting a pint or two of the Phoenix's finest down your neck tonight? Enjoy
  15. Just finished D-Day by Anthony beevor. Really well researched and written in a really accessible manner, without too much technical detail. Also a balanced point of view from both sides involved. As with the other beevor books I have read, I would thoroughly recommend this one
  16. Thankfully balanced out by the laid back fashion guru that is Professor Finlay
  17. Presuming that she has a hefty weight advantage she would mostly likely end up kicking your pie in. Slip some arsenic into her next fish supper.
  18. That's because you probably were raped when you were drunk and now your sphincter has lost its powers of control.
  19. To punch f**k out of the annoying, inconsiderate bitches in front of him?
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