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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. I wouldn't be surprised in this place, but at the same time the sight of me taking a dump is bound to make anyone moist.
  2. Does anyone wipe their knob after a piss? I was taking a dump in the cubicle the other day and someone came in for a piss and I am pretty certain they wiped their walloper with bog roll after they had finished. Surely a couple of shakes would suffice.
  3. 'Wings, only the band the Beatles could have been'.
  4. Can anyone recommend somewhere to get an extra large helmet (fnarr fnarr!!)? My head is on the large side and regular large helmets are too small
  5. To be honest I don't think they are that bothered. If you were going to the Basque country that would probably be different. I tried a few phrases in Spanish when I was there a few years ago and nobody seemed to be that upset. They will probably realise that you are a tourist and take that into consideration as well.
  6. The presenter burd with one arm would get it. I reckon she would be quite handy in the sack
  7. True. I certainly didn't read them in any order and still really enjoyed them
  8. Not really, but you can tell which campaigns the guys are serving in which would give you a rough idea of which order the books should be in.
  9. I used to love his books when I was younger and I am pretty sure I had managed to get all of them. I think, if I remember correctly, that Legion of the Damned was the final book.
  10. Cracking song. Men without hats - the safety dance
  11. Why? Did you have sex with it after it flew into your face and now you feel dirty, while it was lying sprawled on the pavement smoking a post-coital cigarette? The shame of sex you shouldn't have had is embarassing for a while, but you will get through this. You should have battered it with your schoolbag.
  12. Yay, another qualification. Just don't tell Dickson or he'll go off on another rant/fishing trip about students, call centre workers etc. to hide his jealousy.
  13. Depends on how much you want blow-jobs for the next few years.
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