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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. Guildford next to it is a pretty good boozer as well.
  2. Lick my love pump!!

  3. Phil Gallie reminds me of Alick Buchanan-Smith, another Tory, who died in the early 1990s. Despite the cringeworthy distrust of anything to do with the word 'Tory' he was well respected in our local area (Kincardine and Deeside) due to the fact that his main interest was the welfare of the people he represented. He had managed to gain the trust of people who voted for other parties. Sadly, these types of politicians are (pardon the pun) a dying breed replaced by self-serving party lackeys.
  4. I'm out. That is way too philosophical for my liking
  5. Why do people keep replying to/quoting pishbagforlife? I've got him on ignore for a reason and don't want to be reading his inane pish.
  6. Thanks very much for the tip, I shall follow your advice. Especially about passing the time at work
  7. I just picked a large quantity of wax out of my ear. Better out than in.
  8. By the time he organised himself to go to a betting shop, the thing he was planning to bet on would become a historical event.
  9. People who stand around the newspaper section of the supermarket reading the fucking newspapers. Either buy a 'paper or f**k off and stop crumpling them up.
  10. On iPlayer am listening to Deadmau5 and Magnetic Man live on Pete Tong's show. Definitely worth a listen.
  11. Apologies to everyone for being a dick about lichtieforlife, I have now put him on ignore. I don't know why he annoys me so much, things in general don't annoy me that much, but he somehow manages to get under my skin.
  12. Aye an assumption based on about 4500 posts worth of mind-numbing drivel. f**k off you c**t
  13. Ah but you are the one who keeps an eye on us all and makes sure we are all safe.
  14. Cos your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, well they aint no friends of mine

  15. You don't need any ID for the ferry. Or for the train I would imagine.
  16. Why does my shower keep going cold after a few minutes? It starts off fine then goes lukewarm, then cold. The hot water is provided by a gas-fired combi boiler. Anyone got any suggestions to solve this problem?
  17. Have you ever done a shite in a microwave and cooked it?
  18. Just put all the books you have read in the bibliography at the end. You don't need to add the references in the actual text plus it shows that you have read all the relevant texts on the subject
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