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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. Our little girl (14 months) took her first unsupported step at the weekend. The wee proud look on her face as we were clapping and cheering was something special. Unfortunately she just couldn't follow it with another step, but a good start.
  2. Gonna hump ya, gonna hump ya, just like Deputy Dawg......would hump ya

  3. They don't call him 'Metre-stick' for nothing.
  4. Thick, curly hair is a pain to control when it gets longer. I agree with the balding issue, my dad was practically bald by the age of 21 and I still have a reasonably full head of hair.
  5. Really? If I only cut my hair once every 4 months I'd end up with something verging on an Afro and you look to have similar hair as myself.
  6. Last night I decided to give my hair a trim. Got the clippers out and got started with a few bold swishes right down the middle. A few seconds later the battery gives up. "That's okay, I'll just charge the clippers up and start again in a wee while", says I. Could I find said clippers? Naw. Cue panic about having to go to work with a reverse mohawk ie short down the middle with hair on either side. Thankfully the Turkish barbers at the Gyle were open, bucking convention by opening on a Monday, and they finished what I started last night. The lesson learned is always check shaving implements are charged before commencing major hair-removal operation. On a side note, judging by his profile pic Ad Lib could do with a trim too.
  7. Exactly. I've had him on ignore for a few weeks, but everyone keeps quoting or replying to the little shit, so I still have to wade through his inane drivel. Can't someone ban him please?
  8. Went to the gym for the first time in months tonight, just a bit of cycling and jogging to ease back into it
  9. Fuds moaning about fuds moaning about people bumping old threads.
  10. £5 on Fulham/Liverpool double returned just over £15.
  11. Twat!!! That was liquid football.

    1. LTID


      How do you ride a horse?

  12. There are no essential differences between hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons other than where they occur. Different names for the same thing.
  13. Man City bust my treble with Rangers/Arsenal.
  14. I desperately need to lose weight, especially after the Christmas/New Year excesses. I shall be going to the gym tomorrow night in an effort to kick-start some weight loss, and from now on I shall be eating less crap (except for the remainder of my bag of Percy Pigs which I shall finish off today).
  15. I'll stand there and take a kicking for £150. Might even fight back on occasion to help develop his skills.
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