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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. You normally buy the tiles yourself (well, we did anyway), but if he's a friend of the family he might get them for you.
  2. First win of the season, £1.60ish on Liverpool, Bolton and Motherwell (-2) returned about £8. It's a step in the right direction.
  3. You're going to be shiting all day, that stuff is lethal.
  4. The guy's a glory hunter. Why doesn't he support one of his local teams?
  5. Back to the topic of delivery c***s, my wife very kindly ordered an Xbox off Amazon for me. We got home on a Monday after a weekend away to discover a bloody big box sitting outside our flat door in the communal stair. The c***s had just left it lying there where anyone could have lifted it. The worst thing was though, they had also put a ticket through the door to tell us they had left it outside the door!!! The ticket said they had delivered it there on Friday and it had been lying there for 3 days-I'm lucky we have fairly trustworthy neighbours. Also on a previous occasion they had at least gone to the effort of trying to hide a box under the welcome mat at the door!!
  6. I don't think Lothian Buses go to Kirkliston (could be wrong though). First Bus number 38 goes there, don't know how much though.
  7. Aye please. Our little one is about 21 months old, I don't think she's ready yet but I would be interested to see the articles though.
  8. Why, is she the one in possession of the brain cell today? Do it yourself.
  9. When some fandan posts something looking for attention/sympathy (female) and all her friends reply 'Thinking of you' or even worse '(((hugs)))'. If you're that good a friend or that worried, pick up the frigging phone and give her a call.
  10. Self service checkouts at Morrisons always go tonto when you put a newspaper in the bagging area. Get it sorted ya dicks!!!
  11. I thought you were 'Box Office', not one of the 'masses'. Make up your bloody mind.
  12. Good point, but surely remembering his birthday is even worse than remembering the date of his death. IIRC she also posts similar crap on the anniversary of his death.
  13. "Happy birthday dad, wherever you are xx". Whilst I have sympathy with said individual, he's dead and I'm sure he's got better things to do than check Facebook for such posts on EVERY anniversary of his death.
  14. Sounds good, I suppose Prestonpans is a good turning point as it would encourage you to get the hell out of there and give you a boost for the return journey!!!
  15. Nice day for it. Which route did you take? I need to get back out on the bike soon, it's been a while.
  16. Me too. Smurph's tweets are quite amusing.
  17. I have lost a stone and a half over the last couple of months just by cutting out the vast majority of crap I used to eat and becoming slightly more active. After work instead of sitting around watching rubbish telly, I will occasionally go for a walk along the prom, go to the driving range, just doing something that will get me out of the house and this has the added bonus of me not being close enough to food to snack on it. I also fancy cycling to work a couple of days a week, but to start with I will cycle to the train station, get the train to South Gyle and cycle to work from there and back again. I am still a fat barsteward but it's a step in the right direction-I think I've got the sensible eating sorted out but need to do a lot more exercise.
  18. I believe you're a decent player as well then, just like your dad!!! Although last time we played Fahoo I caught him out and caught and bowled someone else.
  19. Good youth set up at Fauldhouse I believe. I work with Rob, who I believe has built a cricket training facility in his back garden after your clubhouse got burnt down. Top guy.
  20. Will do next time I see him. May be a while unless I get rapidly promoted from 4th team to 1st!!!
  21. Ooocha!!! Obviously I subconsciously didn't want to even entertain that thought.
  22. Could have been worse mate, you could have woken up on top of Michelle McManus.
  23. I play for Murrayfield DAFS and if I remember correctly I played against Fauldhouse 2nds a few years back.
  24. Be consoled by the fact that tomorrow they will be lobster red.
  25. Eye tests are free I believe, specsavers have always been pretty good with me
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