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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. Bucktoothed simpletons with eyebrows on their cheeks... horses running through council estates... men in platform shoes being arrested for bombings... badly tarmacced drives in THIS country.
  2. Yussss, the Professor is back. Any idea what he's up to these days, apart from wearing natty woolly jumpers with a leather jacket and a scarf?
  3. I have pulled out of PFS this Sunday due to moving house and not being able to train due to shite weather. I haven't been on the bike for a while and have now lost any kind of fitness. Will get back into it after holidays and will do it next year.
  4. I did not know about the alt F4 thingy, that's very useful thanks
  5. Chocolate bars, stop getting Partridge wrong!!!
  6. Chocolate mousse from a bowl is very nice, but to put it on somebody is demented!!!!!
  7. IIRC when i got mine last year, if you found a bike you wanted that wasn't sold by Halfords then you could still order it through the scheme. I got the Boardman Comp Hybrid and it is a fantastic bike, may be more expensive than some of the others but worth it IMO.
  8. I'm doing it this year, but haven't done much training for it yet. I will get out in the next couple of weeks and get stuck into it, mostly just cycling to work with a few longer rides thrown in. It's going to be a killer though.
  9. Chocolate mousse from a bowl is very nice, but to put it on somebody is demented!!!!!
  10. Gonna hump ya, like deputy dawg.......would hump ya
  11. Cycled to work today for the first time since moving house. Kirknewton to Ratho and then along the canal path to Sighthill Industrial estate, not sure how far it was but took about 40 mins (looking to cut this down to under 30 minutes). It was a nice ride along the canal, very peaceful, not looking forward to the return trip which is mostly uphill from the canal to Kirknewton. Good to get back on the saddle again and hopefully can do it at least twice a week (need to drop wean off at nursery the other 3 days).
  12. Where are you coming from? Leith docks eh, should be a good money maker if you're a pretty boy
  13. Spunk through their letterbox. It wont solve anything but sure makes me feel better after a bit of conflict.
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