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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. You save on tax as your monthly payments for the bike come off your wedge before tax.
  2. Should make it even better knowing she disapproves.
  3. Couple of cricket related shows/things at this years Edinburgh Festival. Tempted to try and get to both. http://www.edinburghfestivals.co.uk/events/blofeld-and-baxter-memories-of-test-match2 http://www.edinburghfestivals.co.uk/events/jonathan-agnew2
  4. Some burd on my FB posted that her 3 year old son didnae pish himself and the bed last night and they can stop using night time nappies. Well fucking done. What's worse are the comments on the status 'Well done <child's name>', 'Good work <child's name>', unaware of the fact that if this obviously slightly backward child has only just stopped wetting the bed, then he probably lacks the wherewithal to check his maws Facebook status to pick up on the false, simpering praise he's getting from fellow idiots. ^^^seething.
  5. I've got one of those masks, I may wear it to cinema when I go to see Alpha Papa.
  6. Looks like England India final, should be a good one.
  7. The Espy in Portobello is really child friendly, with mostly burgers on the menu. No beer garden but tables out the front on the prom. The dalriada is also good, further along the prom (musselburgh end) , but can't remember what the scran is like
  8. The Espy in Portobello is really child friendly, with mostly burgers on the menu. No beer garden but tables out the front on the prom. The dalriada is also good, further along the prom (musselburgh end) , but can't remember what the scran is like
  9. The burd presenting Milkshake wid get it big style. The only thing that makes getting up at 7 on a Sunday worthwhile
  10. 22 doesn't go anywhere near Haymarket, but stops just at the top of Waverly steps on princes street. Bus is a flat £1.50 each journey irrespective of distance
  11. I'll level with you Jed, I'm scared
  12. Gonna hump ya, just like deputy dawg.....would hump ya
  13. c***s under the age of 60 who wear flat caps. You look like utter bellends. Couple that with a quilted jacket/Barbour type jacket and my seethe is unimaginable. ^^^^seething just typing
  14. If it hadn't been for Maggie we would all be speaking Argentinian now.
  15. Cheeky monkey!! It was a genuine-ish question
  16. Get the airport bus, only about £5 return, and very regular
  17. The same c**t posts today, something along the lines of, 'still thinking of you granny, you would have been 102 if you hadn't died 14 years ago'. Un-fucking-believable. Talk about stating the bloody obvious. I would be a top footballer if I wasn't a fat, lazy, useless at football c**t. This c**t is verging on deletion
  18. At best they'll withstand one agressive bodystroke.
  19. Cheers bud, I did somehow think that it would be you that answered my query!!! Ta muchly.
  20. How does one find how high some villages in Scotland are without recourse to ordnance survey maps which I don't have access to?
  21. The fake Richie Benaud account ripping the piss out of Michael Vaughan, cracking stuff for cricket fans
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