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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. But at least she'll be able to be refloated and swim away to rejoin the rest of her pod, whilst simultaneously trying to avoid Japanese ships.
  2. From one of the Holy Fleeto; so many prayers and words of thanks being said this wk to us - very humbling. On Sunday the paster gave us a blessing and it was a very special moment being at one with fellow Christians. I can't bring myself to delete her, she is a nice person, but this kind of crap has my finger hovering over the button for a few second.
  3. Christ, these lovely ladies would make a useful front row in any rugby team.
  4. Turns out that it was covered by our home contents insurance, so they have agreed to replace it. Despite the fact I have no space in the flat, I shall find a small space for it inside even if it means chucking the weans toys out.
  5. Cheers bud, I got in touch with the cops and they've given me a ref. number. Might not bother to be honest, it has just sickened me. The trouble is I don't have enough space to keep it in the flat so have to keep it in the stairwell, so I bought a decent lock. Turn's out a decent lock isn't much use when they saw through the metal bannister to remove bike, lock and all. There's nothing to stop it happening again, so I'm not sure I'll bother.
  6. It turns out that I wont be needing a new saddle cos some c**t has stolen my bike. I wish a slow lingering death to the c**t that has taken it.
  7. Cheers Drooper, much appreciated. Hope your knee gets better soon. And UTN, I'll give the vinegar a miss, should only be used on chips not on my large arse!!!
  8. Cheers bud, I do have padded shorts about in the flat somewhere but can I bloody well find them!!!
  9. Went out for a wee scoot last night on the new bike in preparation for Monday's attempt at the commute. Did about 4 miles, will hopefully get some more practice in tonight and over the weekend. Definitely need to get used to cycling on roads and build up my awareness. Also need a decent saddle as the current one is like sitting on wire fence. Any recommendations?
  10. Finally got my Boardman Hybrid last night and just been out for a quick spin. Jeezus frig, what a difference from the old dual suspension mountain bike which you feel like you're constantly fighting against. Light as a feather and even allowing for my complete lack of fitness I was fair flying along the prom
  11. I think there's one of these just opened at Hermiston Gait retail park, if anyone's interested.
  12. Any old garage will do, but if it's still under warranty they will need to use authentic Vauxhall parts if anything needs replaced.
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