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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. Hello. Looking for some advice. Our 15 month old daughter has got a terrible cough just now, not too bad during the day but at night she just coughs and coughs, waking herself up. We've tried cough syrup but that is just glorified sugar and doesn't work. Has anyone experienced the same and have any tips? She has had the cough for a few days but the last couple of days have been much worse. Her poor wee voice is all hoarse as well, like she's been smoking 40 a day for the last 30 years (in reality we try and keep her down to 20 a day).
  2. Any more performances like that and his carer will take off.
  3. In fairness he has got a lot on his plate. Picking which attractive female he is going to rifle next will no doubt occupy a lot of his time and effort.
  4. But that was along time ago, things have changed
  5. Every team I bet on at the moment is a coupon buster. On a horrendous run just now.
  6. Smell my cheese you mutha!!!

  7. Yer an android, yiv cack aw knob!!!

    1. Sweet Pete

      Sweet Pete

      Awa' an' dinnay talk pish!

    2. endieinreekie


      Are you keekin' at ma erse, ya pervert?

  8. Can anyone recommend any good oven cleaning products (for my wife, obviously)?
  9. That's a shame. Cricket is a game for true gentlemen. Does the Uni have a team?
  10. Christ, you're a lot better looking than I thought you were Phoenix.
  11. I'm hard as nails and have just kicked a swan to death

  12. Have been up since 2am spewing and shiting. Have managed to catch a few short naps whilst watching crap telly, but am knackered
  13. Good stuff, a chance to flip the burgers instead of being on the front desk. Seriously, best of luck.
  14. Proper porridge is guid. The wee sachets you get that you microwave for a couple of minutes are probably better than stuff you get in a pot.
  15. It's not normally too bad going East-bound in the morning, West-bound is a nightmare, depends on the time too. Do you stay in the Turnhouse area?
  16. It really is Edinburgh's biggest car park. Sadly I didn't have any other option this morning as I was dropping the wean off at nursery. I would normally go through town which is quicker than the road that was designed to ease congestion in town.
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