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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. From left to right; aye, naw, 5 pinter, aye, aye.
  2. Try ebay and Gumtree as well for your local area. You can get bike covers as well if you're planning to keep it outside, should keep the worst of the weather off your bike, whichever purchasing route you go down.
  3. Adverts for Seat on the radio with Melanie Sykes. Fucking annoying the nipples off me with her crap northern accent.
  4. The guy with his belly out looks vaguely similar to Kilt/An Sionnach.
  5. When you go for a dump, why does some shite sink to the bottom of the pan and some float on top of the water?
  6. Another dismal Windies batting performance so far, bit of a recovery by Shiv and Samuels tho. Anybody playing this weekend?
  7. When you go for a coffee to Costa, Starbucks etc and decide to have a wee cake with it. The barista/c**t making the coffee then puts said cake in a bag and then puts the napkin in the same bag ensuring that it gets all sticky and messy rendering it virtually unusable. What's the fucking point?
  8. I had a fiddle with the gears and just made it worse (couldn't use one of the gears!!) , so I've taken it to the shop
  9. Thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll have a look at it properly tomorrow and see if I can figure it out
  10. I had a look but there didn't appear to be a thing for turning as detailed on your picture and I didn't want to start messing with it in case I made it worse. I'll see if I can post a picture of the mechanism later.
  11. Thanks muchly my fellow Angusian, I shall give it a try. Ps Anyone got any advice for tightening disk brakes? I'm having to fairly pull down hard on the rear brake lever to get any response from the brakes, and don't want to rely too much on front brakes. Sorry to be so annoying about the basics, but as mentioned above I am not too familiar with bike maintenance.
  12. Anyone got any advice for fixing a problem with gears? My gears seem to be jumping a bit. When I change up a gear it occasionally jumps up 2 gears and I then have to change down one to get to the right gear. Occasionally, when I press the shifter the gear doesn't change at all and then have to press it again to actually get it to change. Anyone got any suggestions? Is this an easily fixable problem (for someone who hasn't got a clue how bikes work) or is it going to have to go to the shop? In addition, the bike doesn't seem to be going as smoothly as it normally does, it seems to require more effort to get it to move, especially in the higher gears. Could just be my legs of course!! Any suggestions?
  13. Did you check afterwards to see if you still had all your fingers?
  14. I've followed some of the guys on that useful list and some of them have followed me back. I really hope they are not expecting great banter.
  15. The one in the middle looks okay, no to the others.
  16. Cycled into work today and got completely soaked. It wasn't too bad when I set off this morning, but it got steadily heavier and most of the way was into a freezing headwind. Have currently spread out my gear on radiators in several offices hoping that it will be mostly dry for the way home. Made the schoolboy error of getting into shower straight after having spent ages in th freezing cold and it was fucking agony!!!
  17. Finally cycled to work this morning. Took it nice and steady, mostly on cycle paths, mostly slightly uphill and into the slight prevailing westerly breeze. Was fantastic. Just under 12 miles, really enjoyed it.
  18. Just outside Gifford, aye? Good course there, mate's a member so I get to play quite cheaply.
  19. That looks like it would do the business, cheers. I do have a pump that would probably get me home in an emergency but I would be a bit more confident going out knowing that the tyres were properly inflated in the first place. I cycled to cricket practice on Saturday, which probably wasn't a good idea given that my legs still feel sore, and it was good to try some of the cycle paths in Edinburgh. I had no idea that there was a path running along Ferry Road, which was fantastic, because I hate driving on that road let alone cycling on it. It was about 5 miles each way and the vast majority was away from the roads. I shall be exploring further in the near future to try out other paths as well. The bike is getting serviced on Thursday but hopefully I'll get it back on Thursday night and go for a wee spin.
  20. Thanks UTN, I shall get the light at lunch break and see about ordering the pump. Anything that achieves the end result in less strokes can't be bad!!!
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