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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. There's a multi-storey just up the road. I know you have to pay for it but cheaper than a £30 fixed penalty fine. There are side roads off London Road where you may be able to grab a space.
  2. About 6.30pm I think, but might depend on area? London Road, Royal Terrace?
  3. Thank you, good to know I've also tickled the dolphins nose by proxy
  4. She did a nightclub tour back when she was in the show and I happened to be in a nightclub in Aberdeen when she appeared on stage. Due to the amount of guys standing in front of the stage I didn't get close enough to cop a cheeky feel of her melons, I did manage to touch her hand which at some point must have touched her ain chebs. Poor consolation, but I can always claim to have touched her tits by proxy
  5. People who wear suits and trainers. You all look like throbbers.
  6. Burd at uni was called Tennis Ball. She was short and rotund and always wore a bright yellow puffer jacket which made her look even more rotund.
  7. ^^^^chases horses round council estates
  8. ^^^^ Toothless simpleton with eyebrows on his cheeks IMO.
  9. I've got a pair of JVC headphones (not in-ear ones) that are good. About £30, decent sound quality
  10. Onesies are fucking class, don't knock until you've felt the all-encompassing warm embrace that it can deliver
  11. Trapping your pubes in your fly and suffering pain each time you move
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