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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. Your fear of birds means that you wont have a problem with the other kind cos none of them will come near you when they find out you are scared of small flying animals.
  2. How the f**k did Geordie samaras get to be a professional 'footballer'?
  3. Water pistol will scare it off until you are ready to feed it.
  4. I am shitting rusty water today. Been to the crapper in work 3 times already, probably more to come this afternoon. Have a tonne of work to do so I can't go home. Damn you, dodgy guts
  5. Thank f**k it's not a Golden Shower you are being charged for.
  6. What kind of undergarment does everyone prefer? My preference is boxers as they allow movement and a certain amount of ventilation
  7. The crux of the matter is, and in Nick BCFC's absence, did you partake in digital relations with any of them?
  8. Theoretically, yes, but do we know for sure? No. Not enough research has been done on the subject
  9. As I pointed out above, I am not planning to do this myself. People do say that food tastes like shit, but have they ever tried eating shit, either their own or someone elses? That is what I would like to know
  10. Has anyone ever tried eating their own pooh? I'm not thinking about trying it, but just wondered if anyone has and what it tasted of.
  11. Time to come clean Twisteh, it's actually your mum you're going with. Nobody else will go with you so she is taking her wee boy to the 'prom'. How sweet.
  12. Why haven't you paid the gargantuan sum of 2.50 (TWO POUNDS FIFTY) then? Tight b*****d.
  13. Be thankful it isn't a prostate examination on your birthday, kilt!!
  14. Anyone know the best place to get an extra large bicycle helmet? My head is too big for the normal large size ones
  15. Take consolation in the fact that because he went to a private school, his balloon knot is not quite as tight as it used to be.
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