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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. I presume you're in Edinburgh (could be massively wrong)-where do you do your cycling?
  2. To steal Nick BCFC's thunder (where is he anyhow?), she was probably gantin' on a good fingering.
  3. Thugs. Sheriff courts are generally nice buildings mostly build in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, although some are not fit for purpose in the 21st century. Falkirk sheriff court is quite a nice building. What spoils the aesthetic niceness of these courts are the scum who hang around the front door, absolute wastes of space, generally junked up or pished up scum who are in court for the millionth time.
  4. No worries, I didn't explain it very well.
  5. Correct. Fudge had said that it's just Falkirk Sheriff Court and I was trying to explain the different types of cases that come before the court. I realise that he wont be needed for a sheriff only case.
  6. It depends on the type of case being heard (could be either civil or criminal), could be with a jury or just the sheriff sitting in judgement.
  7. Since I last posted I got the familiar rumbling in the stomach and had to rush to the bog again and this time was major rusty water shite. Major dodgy guts today, have a feeling that by the end of the day my arse will look like a Jap flag.
  8. Have been farting away merrily all morning. Sadly I didn't heed the warning signs and my most recent fart ended with something slightly more solid. Cue the waddle of shame to the nearest bog. Thankfully there was no underwear coverage.
  9. Aye right, you should have worn a raincoat last night.
  10. I know what you mean, but if I try wet shaving my face ends up with more blood on it than a slaughterhouse, so I am better off with an electric one. I can't stand shaving either and would happily never do it again.
  11. Can anyone recommend a good, reasonably priced electric razor? My old one just aint cutting it any more.
  12. Fantastic thanks. Don't worry kilt I have the requisite 14 toes to be able to apply to join the royal family
  13. I think the Waffen SS uniforms are quite fetching, any idea where I could pick one up?
  14. Your mum probably had your pillow placed gently over your face
  15. Every hole's a goal. I too have torpedoed many a trawler though, so don't feel bad
  16. I had forgotten those c***s that disregard traffic lights as having any relation to them, RAAAAAARRRRGGHHHH. CUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNTS. Ah, that's better.
  17. I have nothing against cycling for charity (unlike Perthshirebellend), but cyclists who don't use frikking cycle paths that they probably moaned for years to get the council to build at great expense to the taxpayer, and also cyclists who cycle side by side with a big queue of cars behind really f**k me off. Every frikking day on my way to work this happens, one day i will snap and end up running one of the c***s over.
  18. Not for that reason, just their general level of ignorance of the rules of the road and cycling merrily down the road through Holyrood Park, adjacent to the cycle path. c***s
  19. Cyclists really are scum of the earth, apart from female ones who wear low cut tops and cycle over cobbles.
  20. Thank goodness someone in the household isn't afraid of the hideous, gargantuan killing machine.
  21. If it is that big, your cat must be huge. PM me your address and I will come round and sort this out on my lunch break.
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