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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. Should you not be re-stocking the milk in ASDA? Why don't you post your paper here and let us P & Bers help you out?
  2. Arnold Clark being a bunch of ripping c*nts. Had agreed to buy a car at a certain price as part of the scrappage scheme. C*nts get back to me today (tonight being when I was due to pick the car up) saying that there is a problem with the initial registration of our old car, despite them having checked it out at the time and approving it. They are therefore saying that the car will cost an extra grand despite us having agreed the price and paid a substantial deposit and having said nothing else about extra checks of registration and finance having been agreed. The c*nts have been told that they will give us the car at the agreed price or go f*ck themselves. Bunch of fucking c***s.
  3. That would be a superb idea. Although, my one and only appearance for the P&B football team did not go too well.
  4. He can occasionally be found working in the ASDA at the Jewel in Edinburgh if you wish to track him down.
  5. You should have at least asked her, now you will never know and it will eat at you for a while, but you will get over it and next time the situation arises you will hopefully realise that it is better to know one way or another whether she reciprocates your feelings. There is absolutely nothing to lose in asking another human being whether they like you 'sex-wise'-it may hurt for a while if she says no, but another opportunity will come along.
  6. At least you had an afternoon of pagan sex before she left. Don't worry, you'll soon get over it and back into the saddle again. I hate cyclists, I really do.
  7. Did Montrose not have the first black manager in Scotland called Dave Smith a few years back?
  8. I am of the same opinion that it wont matter what the results of the test are (they don't conclusively tell you whether the baby has one of these conditions, but indicate the potential risk of he/she having it) because we wouldn't abort either, but would be able to be better prepared for something being wrong with the baby. I suppose things will become clearer at the 20 week scan at the start of July. This potential parenthood lark is fairly nerve-shredding!!!
  9. Petty things that get on my nerves-women who wear sunglasses on top of their heads as a fashion accessory and not as sunglasses. They look like tools. And I hate cyclists who don't use cycle paths, especially in Holyrood Park.
  10. Went along with wife this morning to get the 15 week blood test for the likelihood of down's, spina bifida and Edward's syndrome. Was anyone else scared sh*tless waiting for the results?
  11. True. Although I do like the shorter format I wouldn't like to see 20/20 take over from 50 over matches. One good thing about 20/20 judging by the crowds in South Africa for the IPL is that has created an interest in cricket. Perhaps people who wouldn't be interested in going to a test match can instead take in a 20/20 match.
  12. It is a lovely day here in Edinburgh at the moment, tempted to feign sickness and head along. But of course, I would not do such a thing.
  13. I like it-I think it has its place in cricket, but alongside one day matches and tests as opposed to instead of either of them. I also enjoy playing it, I think if makes you concentrate more because each ball is more important in the context of the game.
  14. Much as I enjoy the IPL it does seem to have been going on forever.
  15. I was more surprised by the fact that Scotland got 250 in reply.
  16. Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Hope it goes okay for you.
  17. Can gentlemen attend too? My wife is currently about 12 weeks preggers and we are going to see the community midwife tomorrow and for a scan too, I think. Early days I know, but I get the feeling I will be dragged along to some of these ante-natal class thingies when the time comes.
  18. Good stuff, glad you enjoyed it. Glad someone got a game this weekend in spite of the crappy weather.
  19. Apologies. Hopefully the weather will be okay this weekend and we see some cricketing action.
  20. Hopefully you haven't got swine flu!!
  21. Can't wait for the East of Scotland league season to start again this weekend and a chance to get away from the wife on a Saturday on a regular basis. Anyone else playing this weekend?
  22. Loads of clubs in Edinburgh, most with several teams that cover a wide range of abilities. Not based in the south but Murrayfield DAFS are a go-getting, forward thinking club with 4 teams who play their home games at Roseburn Park (right next to Murrayfield Stadium). If you are interested check the website at www.murrayfield-dafscc.co.uk, contact details are on their too.
  23. I would concentrate on getting the basics right because that will stand you in good stead to start with. Once you improve and your confidence builds up you can then start to play those kind of shots. It's not quite as easy as it looks on telly, so concentrate on your basic technique first which will help you avoid being pummelled by a rock-hard ball hurled at a rapid pace at you.
  24. Choon, although I thought you had typed Artmedia at first
  25. Have been hitting the driving range recently and not doing too bad, although my short game (as always) needs work. I haven't played a round for years but I think I am more mature now and would probably enjoy it more than when I was younger and getting frustrated all the time. Does anyone know of any decent cheap-ish golf clubs in the Edinburgh area that would be suitable for relative novices?
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