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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. I hate the hill on the way into the zoo, especially because our car has a shonky handbrake at the best of times. My PTTGOYN is having to prepare for an interview when I'm off on a public holiday
  2. Where was your carer when all this was happening? Why didn't he/she help you get on the bus? Questions need to be asked
  3. ^^^forgot the word 'champ' after the last sentence. Doing it wrong.
  4. Saw a guy walking along Princes Street this morning with a Queen's Park shirt on. At first I thought it was a bit strange but then thought, fair play, it's not one of the bigot brothers, Man City or Chelsea. Respect.
  5. Yep, the flood defence works on the Water of Leith have been causing chaos in the area for ages.
  6. He has every right to slag off your disgusting toast eating habits.
  7. You'll need to find a more 'Celtic-minded' local.
  8. Women who walk along the street with one arm being used to hold on to their coats in an effort to keep it closed. Just buy one that fits properly in the first place
  9. Thanks. I've been looking at them, seem to be quite good. I've got the Run and Become shop round the corner from work so I will pop in there and maybe try them on and get some advice from them but it's good to get advice from anyone who uses them or has any recommendations.
  10. G-bo may have murdered his pets in a house fire and went on a cruise as a result but he's right about it being a chipper.
  11. Looking for advice on running shoes. I'm not a runner at present but as a means of shifting some weight I'm going to start giving it a go. So I'm a bit of a fat bassa and I'm looking for some shoes with a high level of cushioning to protect the old knees and ankles from too much excessive punishment. Anyone have any recommendations?
  12. The brick was fairly comprehensive in its despatching of the poor mouse. A shoe might not have had the same effect and might have increased its suffering while I tried to bludgeon it to death. I don't normally keep sticks or pieces of metal pipes around the house, funnily enough. I'm glad I did it outside given the way its head exploded.
  13. Like what? A rolling pin? I took it outside and smashed it with the brick to avoid having to clean the kitchen floor of the inevitable consequences of smashing a small rodent with a brick.
  14. I killed a mouse this morning. We had set some traps last night as my wife had spotted a mouse running around. Came into the kitchen this morning and spotted a mouse lying beside the trap. Excellent, I think, the trap has clearly done its job. I then go to bag it and bin it when it starts moving and I am a bit taken aback. Then starts a bit of thinking about how to humanely put it out of its misery. Do I just put it in the wheelie bin and let it die, clearly in pain and unable to move? Do I take it outside and let the local cats finish it off? Do I end its suffering by smothering it with a pillow? In the end I smashed it with a brick and now I feel terrible.
  15. Cheers AT, Kirknewton is in West Lothian so Ben Lomond is easier for me to get to, but thanks for your suggestion, it's one to keep in mind for the future.
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