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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. How do you get rid of all the gunk that accumulates on your glasses? Before some smart arse says 'clean them', it gets into all the difficult to reach bits like the nose pads which my chubby fingers won't reach into.
  2. Not strictly true. Although it's not a massive sport like it is in India, it's 3rd behind fitba and rugby in terms of levels of participation in Scotland. On any given Saturday in Edinburgh, Lothians and Fife there are over 80 teams playing in the East of Scotland Cricket Association, probably a considerable amount in Glasgow and environs, a national league structure and teams up north as well. I agree that the World Cup can only help levels of participation too. I agree that reducing the number of teams in the next World Cup is a backward step in trying to promote cricket worldwide.
  3. 6 down now. Squeeky bum time for India?
  4. Big shout out to the train conductor who held the train doors open for an extra few seconds for me as I sprinted/trundled along the platform.
  5. That really fucks me off, especially at the top of Queensferry Street. Scum, subhuman scum.
  6. Cracking game, was listening to it on the 'wireless'. Ireland in a good position now
  7. Has a great S&M dungeon I've heard and holds some fantastic swingers parties
  8. That's a good fightback from the team, in both the batting and bowling senses, against one best teams in the world at present. Berrington and Machan played brilliantly to get to a respectable-ish total and to get 7 wickets is fairly impressive, even if NZ were just fannying around.
  9. He looks like a no talent, attention seeking bellend
  10. Ooft, what a catch by smith. England being reamed
  11. Obviously, he needs to stop to get the gun loaded
  12. Throbber probably already has a pre-contract in place for such an eventuality
  13. I thought that was pretty good, quite atmospheric
  14. I'll be there too, mates stag do. Haven't heard much of their stuff but looking forward to it
  15. Had a lovely Christmas meal with workmates, a few drinks, now sitting on bus home. A very pleasant afternoon
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