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Everything posted by endieinreekie

  1. A very good point, which I had not considered. #DossandDece
  2. Nothing but love for my former Doss buddies, but I feel that the new inclusive Club Dece is best for me in the long run #Doss2Dece
  3. Cheers guys, you have been very welcoming. I have been hitting the gym recently, starting to see the #gainz. Also been listening to C. Harris whilst working out. I now realise that Doss was a mistake, I hope you won't hold it against me.
  4. Can I join Club Dece? I have previously been a member of Club Doss but that seems to have died a death. I feel the need to belong somewhere and Club Dece seems to be a community where I could fit in. Do I need to fill in an application form
  5. Women who wear sunglasses as a hair accessory rather than something to keep the sun out of their eyes. Especially when it's not sunny.
  6. I used to live in portobello, that could have been me
  7. #partyinthesemi just doesn't have the same appeal as #partyonthebarge.
  8. Yeah, but what a way to go. Just like the Bismarck's last hurrah on the open seas, if you have a hugely memorable party then it would all be worthwhile. That, plus your £2 million insurance payout. #partyonthebarge
  9. We've all invested a lot emotionally in the progress of your boat, the very least you could do is have a soiree to celebrate its completion with all your friends who have supported you
  10. We will be able to test this at sjc's boatwarming party once he has had all the work done
  11. There was a big one on our kitchen wall last night which I went to trap in a glass. I didn't have any cardboard to hand so had to slide the glass down to the worktop and quickly get it on the flat surface of the worktop. Sadly while undertaking this tricky manouevre the spider escaped and disappeared leading to me exiting the kitchen very rapidly. I don't know where the fu**er is now and that is worse than anything.
  12. Yes, especially when they are wrapped in rolls of old carpet and 'helped' into the water with lead weights.
  13. I used to be a sitter, but once I broke the thumb on my wiping hand I had to wipe with my left hand which was extremely awkward, so I found it easier to stand. I've just got into the habit of standing and would never go back to the barbaric method of sitting to wipe
  14. You're the one who started it, therefore you are stupider than me.
  15. No problem. If you'll allow me to return the favour, you need to finish your sentences with full stops. You're welcome.
  16. Very true, plus I'm not sure how much medical research has been conducted into what the long term effects, if any, of these ecigarettes.
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