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Aberdeen Cowden

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Everything posted by Aberdeen Cowden

  1. And these are ? When you would leave the stadium it’s either right or left . Yes both roads eventually have offtakes. But there would only be one exit.
  2. How can all the shuttle buses leave at the same time? By definition they will be going back and forward. Police Scotland haven’t commented as far as I know and the TA has been classed as “weak” But we’ll all find out soon enough.
  3. Yes most stadiums are like that too. The problem at Kingsford would be that there is one road passing the stadium so you either go West into the countryside or east along theA944. The slip roads on to the AWPR are narrow and anyone travelling North will also have a pedestrian crossing to deal with effectively blocking one lane of the A994 back to the stadium exit where there will also be lights! When you leave Pittodrie you can go in a multitude of different directions.
  4. I’d say people in the city make up more than half of the home gate. However, anyone trying to get to Kingsford will HAVE to drive or get a bus (and that’s already been shown to be ridiculous. Vehicles won’t be able to get off the AWPR before the game and on to it after games. You’d be quicker going to a game in Dundee. And it’s going to be like that every home game. Where are all the cars going to park? Aberdeenshire Cooncil have already opposed the stadium. The only folk who would be able to get there on foot safely would be a couple of hundred Dons fans from Westhill.
  5. MrX is the chairman and the killing isn't at Kingsford, it's Pittodrie. He's been after it for a long, long time.
  6. Agree about housing at Kingsford, would never happen. Pittodrie is the site for housing! Most folk know this.
  7. Who would be building the stadium? Still think Pittodrie or as near as possible would be the ideal place. Dread to think what it would be like in the middle of nowhere waiting for a shuttle bus, or any kind of bus in weather like we are currently experiencing.
  8. Wasn’t the site at Counteswells originally going to be for a stadium? We all know what is there now. Re Kingsford, just to be boring, again! The site was chosen because planning permission had already been refused(twice) for a driving range and housing. The site is of little value without permission to develop. So, an agreement between Mr X and the current owners was made to purchase. I don’t know for how much, but certainly for a fraction of it’s value. No doubt if permission isn’t given there will be some payment from Mr X to the owners but it will be sweety money.
  9. A "punt" in this case is buying something of little value because there isn't permission to do anything with it. Any losses would be minimal. The Kingsford site would be worth millions with planning permission. Don't think the owners of the site will be getting much, do you?
  10. Of course it’s a punt. Planning permission already refused (twice) for the site. It’s of little value so any losses will be minimal. How much would the site be worth if it were sold with outline planning permission?
  11. Correct. Milne has wanted to get his hands on Pittodrie ever since he became chairman. And the move to a field seven miles west is only because it was available for peanuts as planning permission had already been refused for two other developments.
  12. Correct. If Milne can organise £50 million for a new stadium, surely he can give McInnes a deal that Rangers can't match and get some new players too. Moving to the countryside might not be the smartest thing to do as every £ will be tied up.
  13. The site was available for peanuts because two other developments had already been refused as it is greenbelt. The developer took a punt, nothing to lose, if it comes off he will make a fortune.
  14. I'd be very careful about supporting the move to Kingsford. Who wants to see the destruction of one of Scotland's greatest stadiums just to make a lot of £'s for a property developer? There is no reason at all why Pittodrie cannot be re-developed.
  15. I’m sure the attendances at Kingsford would be decent initially but with fans not being able to walk to the stadium and the club’s horrendous transport strategy it wouldn’t take long for them to diminish . Who is going to wait for an enternity to get to and from the stadium in winter? The only comparison I was making with Dunfermline and St Johnstone was the distance from the town centres and because they have similar populations. Kingsford would be more than six miles from the centre of Aberdeen with inadequate parking (another big issue) and that transport plan.
  16. Well, Dunfermline and Perth have similar populations. Dunfermline average attendance in the Championship 5800. StJohnstone, a top six team, average attendance 4800. One is further away from the town centre (St Johnstone )but not nearly as far away as Kingsford from Aberdeen. Most of the Dunfermline support walk to the stadium. If the Dons moved to Kingsford and they ever hit a bad patch, as all teams do, it could prove disastrous for the club. Pittodrie is the option for me and two fingers to Stewarty boy.
  17. No, but it was an Aberdeen fan who wants to stay at Pittodrie just like the Hearts fans who wanted to stay at Tynecastle.
  18. Have a look at this guys. https://jhallmedia.wordpress.com/2017/11/21/why-aberdeen-must-rethink-aurora-project/
  19. The chairman has other plans for Pittodrie. That’s what this is all about. Nothing else. He’s conned so many Dons fans.
  20. The railway station isn’t though. Don’t know how you’d get there by bus, probably take a week to get there.
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