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Aberdeen Cowden

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Everything posted by Aberdeen Cowden

  1. Your fake outrage is commendable fatman. If you do really work in the oil industry and have so much knowledge of property development, you’ll be well aware of the corruption that goes on. Someone using a fake name is hardly the crime of the century. What’s your name just out of interest? for info, Dunecht estate in talks with a developer about a new development at Garlogie.
  2. McInnes won't go anywhere. His heart is in Kingsford ?
  3. Don’ t think so. This could drag on for years. No way will the Shire allow the “bridge to be built.
  4. What has happen to Stewart? A standout at Dundee but still doesn't look fit.
  5. Thanks for that. Muppetheed won’t believe you though. The whole thing was dodgy.
  6. Says the biggest bore on Dons threads. They don't build houses either do they? i really don't know if you are bored again or that naive.
  7. Take a big pinch of salt with £50 million. Wonder who would build it and what the profit margin would be. Hope it’s a bit more substantial than the usual Milne boxes.
  8. I've no connection with NKS just think it's stupid place to build a stadium. I'm sure you are aware that there are plenty Dons fans who think the same. What bugs me most is the reason for moving out of the city which has absolutely nothing to do with fitba. But let's not start that again. This won't be a good move for AFC.
  9. Still don't know what you are on about. What has NKS got to do with "my money" ?
  10. What are these folk thinking? Did they get your permission before posting that on their site?
  11. Credit to the Dons supporters for sticking by their chairman. Just a pity so many believe the nonsense he spouts. Building flats on the Pittodrie site has always been his plan. Not in a million years would he ever have considered doing anything else at Pittodrie. Doing all the sums will not prove anything. I do fear for Aberdeen, just think of the players he could have brought to the club for part of the "£50million"
  12. Do we have to ask permission to post on your thread? You really are an annoying little person. Are you related to Yule? That’s the sort of intelligent response he would make. BTW I only asked who owned the land once because I genuinely didn’t know.
  13. I really admire your IT skills. You must be awfy clever and have too much time on your hands.
  14. That is what I was thinking when you were telling everyone you were going to walk to Kingsford at your age!
  15. Aye, could be increased to any number of lanes. Will wee Stewarty pay for it?
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