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Aberdeen Cowden

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Everything posted by Aberdeen Cowden

  1. Because it’s rubbish, or at least it was. May have been rewritten by someone who understands the potential problems right enough.
  2. You should link it. Many folk won’t have paid that much attention to it before the stadium got the go-ahead. They will now. And anyone who hasn’t read it will be in for a shock.
  3. You wouldn’t get into the Village Hotel. The capacity of all the other “licensed premises” wouldn’t be much. Goodness only knows where the cars are to be parked. Go to Westhill and have a look. There could of course be more pubs built in the next few years. Meantime the cost of the stadium is rising. Hope fans have deep pockets.
  4. The companies who usually hire their buses out to Aberdeen Supporters Clubs for away games, it stands to reason that if Aberdeen are at home then these buses logically will not be in use. You are missing the point. Almost everyone travelling to Kingsford will either be in a car or bus. A significantly larger number than travel to away games. If there are so many folk at the stadium that they have to use the buses for "shuttling" some fans are going to have a long wait.
  5. What are they? Companies have buses that will otherwise be idle, fans will need to get to the ground from the City Centre. Fair to say they might not be happy to start with but like everything else they will get used to it, to be honest I couldn't care less about Aberdeen or their fans but in this instance there is a pretty obvious solution for home fans or away fans who travel by train to get out there. Which companies are going to have large numbers of buses and drivers available on Saturdays? If they are going to be used as shuttles, it'll be at least 30mins each way . Maybe not so bad before the game but at the end of the game some folk will have a lengthy wait. The whole thing hasn't been thought out properly. Not a gloom and doom scenario , just common sense. Better to get it sorted now.
  6. Just imagine having to play Cove four times in a season!
  7. If Dons fans put some pressure on it might just help get the thing fixed. Everyone’s a winner then. No way can this be ignored. Went into town this morning and the traffic was backing up on to the bypass in both directions. Ridiculous.
  8. Another one. https://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/fp/news/local/driver-calls-for-safety-rethink-after-crash-at-aberdeen-bypass-junction/
  9. Yes, but it isn't the stadium that is the problem. https://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/fp/news/local/surveys-planned-at-busy-aberdeen-bypass-junction1/
  10. Why?I don't live there. But I might want to use the road after a game.Would you?
  11. https://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/fp/news/local/surveys-planned-at-busy-aberdeen-bypass-junction1/
  12. The council are finally going to look at the Kingsford roundabout as they now realise what a problem it is. It’s going to cost someone a lot of bucks to fix.
  13. The Kingsford roundabout is. Disaster, traffic even backing up on to the bypass at times. Should be fun when we get the 100+ buses and an extra 6000 cars. Should be fun getting home.
  14. Stewart was never fast but now he looks even slower than he did not that long ago. Something not right, what a waste of a very talented player.
  15. How can McInnes not get more out of Stewart? He was excellent for Killie and Dundee.
  16. Well done Arbroath and enjoy next season. Great that Dick made his dedication to John Ritchie, a Cowden legend..
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