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Aberdeen Cowden

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Everything posted by Aberdeen Cowden

  1. Most that I know, now they’ve had a chance to think about what’s going on, don’t.
  2. He wouldn’t be the only one. There’s one on here who lives four miles west of the stadium, in the countryside, who posts on here that walking to and from the stadium wouldn’t be a problem ,in all weathers on unlit roads! Then a couple of days later posts that Kingsford is nowhere near Westhill (it’s the width of a field away!)
  3. Yule is a real embarrassment for the club. At an earlier meeting with Aberdeenshire Council he didn’t know where Seaton was.
  4. So anyone who hasn’t lived there for 40 years isn’ t a local? Some residents haven’t lived anywhere else! Westhill houses nowhere “near” the stadium??? You fishing again or just had too much? And before you ask again about the “developer” , get the council to put a ban on housing development at Pittodrie and you soon find out who it is and what the plans are for the resurrection of the NE economy. Again!
  5. Wasn’t there wouldn’t have gone. Did you ask any questions? Why not ? Were you feart? What an opportunity to air your concerns. No point coming on here with your sarcastic whining, you won’t get another chance like that. You are correct about the NKS folk though. If the club had them on board from the start, instead of a bunch of amateurs, this would have been done and dusted by now.
  6. Would there be the same local opposition at Loirston? There can’t have been many planning applications with so many locals against.
  7. More and more are becoming aware of it. Doesn’t matter though, the chairman won’t back off. Too much £ at stake.
  8. Wouldn’t advise it in the dark., it’s not the distance that would be the problem, it’s being flattened by some idiot. And I’m a few miles away from Skene.
  9. No I wouldn’t, neither would you. No footpath, in the dark, In the weather we’ve had recently . No thank you.
  10. How about Garlogie, there’s lots of open space there. You could walk to games.
  11. OK Stewarty. I’ll still post an image of the next flight I see. And just to keep your heart rate down, I’m not at all against a new stadium just where you want it located. Although I still think doing something (not building your flats) with Pittodrie would be my choice. It’s time for your hot chocolate now, off you toddle.
  12. I’m not a pipeline engineer. I made the point that pipelines do get faults. This all stems from me posting that helicopters fly the pipeline, certainly from Kirkton of Skene northwards. You stated that they didn’t. I’ll try and get a picture of one when they start. And before you get deflected again, they aren’t crew change helicopters out for a test flight.
  13. Here’s one http://www.essaroil.co.uk/our-work/cross-country-pipelines/
  14. Don't have a clue regarding pipeline integrity. My comment was a response to someone ridiculing a comment made by someone else regarding the possibility of a problem. Re the police , they weren't concerned about problems at airports either before Glasgow. We all know what happened there. Get the picture?
  15. No it isn’t. I can assure you it is to inspect the pipeline. You’ll also know about the pumping station at Garlogie and the police patrols there.
  16. Stewarty,of course pipelines never suffer cracking do they? Just asking. There is a pipeline a few hundred metres behind my house. A helicopter flies the length of the pipeline every few days. Any ideas why that’s done? What a waste of money.
  17. Agree 100%. Think the Edinburgh/ Glasgow thing came directly from Stewarty and Yule. As did every car arriving at Kingsford would have three passengers. No one really believed that, did they?
  18. If Kingsford can be accessed from five directions, Pittodrie can be accessed from 50. Really cannot understand why some Dons fans are so keen to leave one of Scotland’s great stadiums, steeped in culture. OK it’s a bit tired looking but nothing that couldn’t be put right. Even walking to the stadium gives you a buzz, who would want to leave that. Livingston’s soulless stadium still haunts me. Do you work for Stewart Milne ? Are you Stewart Milne?
  19. Because there are parking restrictions at all the shop car parks. Having said that, they are full most days and certainly on a Saturday. Why don’t you have a look. Dream on guys.
  20. So what are you going to do in the centre of Westhill? Certainly not parking. How long will it take you to Kingswells? Certainly won 't be a pleasant experience if you plan to walk. Once again, all the shuttle buses won't leave at the same time will they?
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