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honestly united

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Posts posted by honestly united

  1. So we are going with 5 forwards and 2 backs on the bench, granted Horne and Matawalu can cover all the backs positions it could leave us short, I have been less than impressed by the bench selections so far this season, from 2 scrum halfs one week, to 2 Hookers, to now only 2 backs.

  2. To be fair to the SRU, having a 3G pitch is probably the best option, it should minimize the possibility of games being off due to bad weather, waterlogged pitches etc as postponed games have a huge impact financially and calendar wise, and also having a fast pitch suits the way Scotland, and Glasgow want to play, There's nothing worse than having a cracking set of backs that never get the ball as you are playing in a bog. 

    I haven't seen any complaints about Murrayfield, but there does seem to be an issue with Scotstoun. May be a case that they need to lay a new pitch at some point soon, or get some in to look at it. Granted the Glasgow players never seem to have an issue with burns etc, only the opposition

  3. 1 hour ago, Detournement said:

    I've never seen anything like that off a grass park in my life in any sport.

    I've had worse, usually end of April / early September, when pitches are rock solid as they haven't seen any rain in weeks. If there are patches without grass they can be like hitting concrete

    You wont see it in hte professional game as the grass pitches are watered and kept soft, but the majority of club pitches are a nightmare to play on at times. You do wonder why at time why games get called off for frozen pitches, when they are just as hard at the very start / very end of a season.

  4. 15 hours ago, Detournement said:

    To be fair it would have been a lot worse if it was a bone dry pitch. He basically face plants into the ground then has jones land on top. Artificial pitch or not it was going to leave a mark either way. Slide your face for 5 or so metres on any surface and im sure the results would be similar

  5. Just caught up on the Glasgow game, again silly mistakes costing us. For me the issue is price taking the ball out of the breakdown and taking a few steps before passing which is putting pressure on Hastings, who is then holding on to the all rather than pass, which is probably the safest option if you are under pressure. If Price just gave him the quick ball straight away we could have had Dunbar and Jones more involved. Thought Hastings did well, but again should be looking  to pass earlier. Thought Thompson did OK as well when he came on at 10, was suprised as he can play fullback so thought it would have been a straight switch, Davidson is a big unit also but didn't see enough to form much of an opinion. Kebble is mom is a good shout, we really could have done with him being fit last year, so hopefully we see more of him this year.

    If we can get as close to full strength as possible we can give Sarries a game. The questions are around who plays 2nd row (probably Harley but he is too lighweight), and the backrow. I thought Fagerson did OK, but again is a bit lightweight, so would probably play Ashe, Sarries will target Wilson as they know he can be riled up easily.

    Horne has to start, and the backline will probably be Hastings, DTH, Dunbar, Jones, Syemour and Jackson. 

  6. Thats a short sighted view, Spain and Germany for example are huge markets that they should be looking to exploit and if they were at the same level as Georgia they would have already replaced Italy in the 6N's. Spain are not far off (and their women's team were way ahead of Scotland and it was criminal they were kicked out the womens 6N's) and Germay were making progress until the Wild fiasco kicked off.

    The only way they are going to improve is playing games against the top Tier 2 and lower Tier 1.

    If we were in a situation where you had a 24 team world cup with proper competition to qualify, plus 10 or 15 teams in with a chance of winning rather than the same 4 of 5 teams you would be able to sell the TV rights for more, hence helping the Tier 1 countries.

    The tier 1's are trying to keep the pie to themselves, but if they shared now thier slice would be smaller, but of a much bigger pie.

    In 5 to 10 years you could have Russia, US, Canada, Japan, Spain, Brazil and Germany knocking on the door of being Tier 1, thats what the target should be as they are markets with huge potential and could generate huge amounts of income for NZ / Aus / SA etc.

  7. Although it will give 2 of the smaller nations (I am they are going to include Italy in top 12 even though they aren't ranked in the top 12) some game time tier 1 teams, it excludes the rest from getting any. So at the moment US and Japan would get to play the big boys but Romania, Georgia, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, Canada etc all miss out.

    If they want to try something new they should go back to proper World Cup qualifying. Say semi finalist automatically qualify instead of top 12, then everyone else in regional qualifiers. You could even have the tier 1 coming in in the last round so only 2 or 3 games but would improve all the smaller teams just getting the chance to play against them.

  8. we've actually got one of the biggest squads in europe (according to squad lists on wiki), as we have so many internationals. We do seem to have a lot of players that are permacrocked / made of glass or just up to it.

  9. Just to add to the comments on Australia, the Pacific league is getting closer to a reality, looking at an 8 team league, with the Force, Sydney, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japanese teams and potentialy some of the Pacific Islands, with Forest pciking up the costs for 16 players per team and the clubs themselves the remainder.

    ARU given them the backing as long as they dont overlap into the area's with Shute Shield teams



  10. To me it looks like nothing has been learnt from last season, and this year is going to be exactly the same, blowing away most teams, but losing out to the big guns when it really matters.

    Having Sarries up first in Europe sets the tone, as we have a good chance of beating them and Cardiff away, before Lyon away. Its a pit Lyon are at home to Cardiff in the first game, as if they had been away and lost, then lost to Sarries they would have probably thrown in the towel in Europe to focus on staying in the top 14. However if they are still in with a shout they will be targeting the first game vs Glasgow at home to stay in with a shout.

    Im also slightly concerned about how small our available squad seems to be, in terms of players we have one of the biggest squads , however we've hardly made any changes to the squad over the last 3 games so Im assuming thats all we've got available which is worrying


  11. 3 minutes ago, Allan Jacobsen said:

    Hello, fellow rugby fans. Due to PRO14 no longer being on ALBA, I am unable to watch Warriors games (given my propensity for moaning, this may be a relief). Could some kind citizen please direct me towards a reputable (free) stream? I also support Partick Thistle so I am clearly a man in need.

    Please and thank you.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Ali Price and Peter Horne starting?



    Its on freesports if you have virgin (and probably Sky) for free I beleive

  12. 3 hours ago, ajwffc said:

    Glasgow team for Saturday IMG_20180914_122710.jpg

    So looks like Frisby is our replacement 10 then! Also I dont like the move of taking off a 2nd row, bring on a back row and pushing Harley into the 2nd 60 minutes into a game, as if Harley gets injured were struggling for anyone else to play 2nd row! Surely we have someone knocking about that can play 2nd row, or start Fagerson and have Harley on the bench

  13. 9 minutes ago, come on shire said:

    Fair point, but I guess that there are certain venues where getting a win is rare so focus on squad management to juggle injuries etc. 

    Munster had a fairly strong team at Scotstoun last Fri night, albeit without Conor Murray and CJ Stander.  However, we bulldozed them and they couldn't live with us. 

    Interestingly, Bundee Aki is on the bench for Connacht tonight.

    Do Ireland / Wales and ourselves not have limits on the amount of games players can play? The Irish teams especially will have completely different teams in Europe compared to the early league games. You tend to fine anyone that is a first choice at international level will play a couple of early league games to get match fit, European games (if Champions cup), Autumn internationals and 6 Nations and summer tours takes you to 19 games.

    There are another 19 league games, plus any play offs for the league and european knock outs that they could potentially be involved in so picking and choosing who plays in what games is not unusual.

  14. Cheetahs are always going to struggle at the start of every season as they are playing Currie Cup games at the same time as Pro14 so their squad is stretched to thinly. they should pick up once the Currie Cup and Rugby Championship is finished

  15. I'd much prefer the Edinburgh starting centres than the Glasgow ones.
    Although Glasgow's first choice of Dunbar and Jones are preferably to Scott and Bennett.

    Also disappointing that Taylor is out injured again, he's had no luck at all
  16. Edinburgh team vs Ulster

    Edinburgh: Kinghorn; Fife, Bennett, Scott, Brown; Hickey, Pyrgos; Schoeman, McInally, Nel, Toolis, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Ritchie, Mata.

    Replacements: Ford, Dell, McCallum, McKenzie, Crosbie, Kennedy, van der Walt, Johnstone.

    Good to see Nel starting - hoping he gets a decent run of games under his belt

  17. For some reason (not that I am complaining) my TIVO recorded all 3 games last night and I haven't paid for Premier Sports - was it some sort of 1st week freebie?

    Edinburgh looked rusty, only plus point was Shoeman looked very good. Ospreys defensive line looked offside all game, and Edinburgh didn't look like they had a plan b to deal with it, until they started to pick and drive in the 2nd half.

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