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Posts posted by nsr

  1. Sevconians criticising other clubs and other clubs' supporters. Do they truly have THAT much of a lack of dignity, self-awareness and shame? Ironically it's their perennial whataboutery that's led to their old club's demise and hopefully the new club's impending doom as well. The instinct to say "Aye but youse are pewre worse than us know whit ah mean byraway man" is so deeply ingrained they are incapable of recognising genuine and serious issues that urgently need to be addressed.

  2. Ironically Juventus, one of the establishment teams in Italy that everyone else hates, were demoted to Serie B for various acts of skulduggery but have managed to reassert themselves back at the top of Serie A. Unlike Rangers, who will never reach the heights they believe to be their rightful place.

    Oh, and Rangers weren't demoted. They died. Sorry, not a good comparison at all really, now I think about it.

  3. Cheers. That is utterly outstanding. If someone on this thread had knocked that together as a parody we'd be telling them 1/10, must try harder, etc.

    Why does it have the same off-colour vertical streaks on each page? It looks like they ran out of time to make anything decent and just pulled some random rejects out of the bin and shoved them under the scanner.

  4. I don't know why Rangers fans are going mental about the location of the EGM. Surely every Rangers AGM/EGM should be held in the capital city of Great Britain & Northern Ireland, barely a stone's throw away from Her Majesty The Queen's place of residence?

    Some of them are probably expecting Auld Betty to turn up and demand money be made available to save Rangers by whatever means necessary.

  5. It was galling enough before when people claimed that Scottish football needed a strong OF and relied on this fixture for its wellbeing. Now however, when it's been clearly and unequivocally established that this is not the case, it's absolutely ridiculous that people still come out with such shit. I thought the incoherent grunting of MacDowall in that interview the other day, beautifully captured the incoherence of his case.

    If enough people want to believe it, those who depend on their money/support will tell them it's true.

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