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Posts posted by nsr

  1. Its nothing like a Norwich fan not watching Man City on TV, I cannot bring myself to have any interest in your abhorrent club, the only saving grace of our demise over the last three years is that we haven't had to share a stadium with you at least 4 times a season.

    You may feel exactly the same, I'm Ok with that.

    Not sure which is more amusing and bewildering:

    - the Visigoths' refusal to accept that their club died.

    - the Visigoths' inexplicably optimistic predictions of Mr Glib's reign of shamelessness.

    - the Visigoths' refusal to accept they're a mirror image of the Vandals from Celtic Park with exactly the same level of moral filthiness.

  2. anyone explain to me why the Berz fans think us 'diddies' are seething at them throwing out a board backed by a man with bottomless wads of cash who has proven time and again he was willing to bail them out from their financial excesses,

    and put in place a glib and shameless liar with a questionable background in financial terms, who along with others was present when the club last went titsup and who has pretty much confirmed he has just about half the money the club needs to keep going only in the medium term?

    Cuz he's wan o' thaim.

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