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Posts posted by nsr

  1. Maybe the best thing for us is not to get promoted, another season with 15,000 crowds would surely be a wake up call to the investors,, that no matter how many loans ashley gives. If the fans are not putting money in. And the playing squad is not strengthend,( players out of contract at the end of this season) they will get no return on their investments, as one investment group have already sold their share...as they have no confidence in the current board...

    I'd imagine investors would only put money in if they felt there was a reasonable hope of making some sort of profit on it. No serious investor is going to toss money into The Rangers for purely emotional reasons.

  2. As you say, its setting the foundations again and building from there. I and thousands of other Bears would be happy to do just that and rid the club from those that are damaging the prospects of our future the most.

    Then surely the solution is start up your own club at the lowest level and maintain it as capable of living within its means and supporting itself from its own income.

  3. Just reading a book at the moment about why, at the end of WWII, the Nazi party, the German army and the political/civil administration kept on fighting to the very end when it had been obvious since '44 that there was no possible end in sight other than total defeat and destruction of the German nation.

    It struck me that the same question could easily be applied to Sevconians.

  4. Sadly that is the most true thing about this whole situation. Offer to remove their debt, and have a decent side to challenge for the Premiership title,and regular long spells in Europe but only if they give up the 5 stars and the pretence of still being the old club,and I bet you many of them would say no way.

    Exactly, it's all about the oneupmanship over their ugly sisters. Take away the 5 stars and the history and that contest is lost forever.

  5. We're getting closer to the 51% the good guys need. The three bears and King together have 34%, then you have the likes of Ally, Sir Walter, Rangers first, the rst and other individual Rangers shareholders. The spivs are running out of time.


    Do you still not realise there aren't any good guys? They're all just in it for one thing, to line their own pockets. None of them give a flying toss about The Rangers.

  6. Based on having done as much research as I suspect you have, I reckon he's deaf, dumb and blind, yet plays a mean pinball.

    If you're going to have an opinion, at least try to make it an educated one.


    It's based on the fact he behaves similarly to other people I know who have Aspergers. The fact he is an arsehole is self-evident.

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