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Posts posted by nsr

  1. You are ONLY talking about Mike Ashley. There may be one or two other exceptions but the rule is you do not make serious money out of owning a football club and especially a Scottish Football Club.

    I'm not talking about people who DO make money out of it. I'm talking about people whose objective is to TRY TO make money out of it. Tedi seems to think this is a bad thing. I'm asking what other motivations he thinks they have.

  2. The 'fans' money'?

    Exactly. Football clubs are businesses. Fans give them money in exchange for goods and services. At that point the money ceases to be the fans' money and becomes the business' money. The business owners can do what they like with it. Fans don't have to give them the money. Business owners aren't under any obligation to use the money to increase the fans' enjoyment of said goods and services.

  3. :lol: nonsense, he has tied the club up in so many ways creaming the fans money off at every opportunity while employing liars to do his dirty work.

    He has alienated his customer base, which is bad for any business, the Rangers fans were just more proactive and have united in a common aim to rid their club of a parasite.

    Please do not ever put "Rangers fans" and "proactive" in the same sentence again. The Internet might explode.

  4. They owe Mike Ashley £130M that is one hundred and thirty millions, he creams off all of the profitable stuff for himself...not the club, the fans loathe him, that's the facts.

    You do realise the overwhelming majority of football club owners own football clubs to try and make money out of them? Please tell me you realise that. They don't do it for love of the club, even if they do love the club.

  5. Hearts fans on Twitter all laughing and slapping each other on the back because their team scored more goals in one game than Rangers have in 2015.

    Can't say I grudge them it TBH, it is quite funny.

    Edit: And now they've noticed that at +57, Hearts' goal difference is 12 more than Rangers' total goals scored for the season.

    Given they're 20 points ahead of second-placed Hibs, I think we have to acknowledge that the utter lack of competition means that this is a tainted title, a ridiculous one-horse race, unlike the highly competitive top tier.

    So what you're saying is The Rangers should be shut down?

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