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Posts posted by nsr

  1. Did anyone see the picture of that walloper, Craig Houston wearing a mask, a rats head, I think?

    At what point in your life do you think that this is the way a grown adult should be acting!

    I mean, if the Sultans Of Swing want to be taken seriously, it just seems a bit childish. On a par with hiding Celtic birthday cakes!

    They are dealing with a boardroom full of successful businessmen. Ruthless guys!

    What makes these arseholes think that acting like this will get them anywhere?

    At least Rangers First take the Dave King route of just brazenly begging for fans money. These nutters though, must be a laughing stock.

    If you were a Rangers fan and saw these idiots, you'd go over and ask them to stop, wouldn't you?

    Exactly. What possesses them to think that hard-nosed businessmen for whom money is the only concern will give the slighest morsel of a flying toss about these kind of antics? They know what you think, Sevconians, and they literally could not care less as long as you keep giving them money, which you always will because you are emotionally and psychologically dependent on the fantasy of The Rangers one day beating Celtic again.

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