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Everything posted by M0rtonfc

  1. Suppose the timing of it is the worst part, still incredible from Caldwell. Harkins was excellent for us but we all had a feeling that there was no way he could repeat it again the following season, he can't run but thankfully for him he had Murdoch in the middle with him doing all the engine work, the big man just pinged baws aboot which worked fine for us!
  2. No issue with your manager asking his team to pick the starting 11.......... your manager! He should surely have a starting 11 in mind and tactics to work on this week for an away fixture against a team he should know pretty well by now, what a riddy! Just when I thought JJ was a hopeless buffoon the bold Caldwell comes along and smashes it right oot the park. Some lad! EDIT - Still think you's will be safe lads!
  3. Advocaat would be a superb appointment! Him, Bilic and Clarke should be interviewed with the hope 1 of them will take it! As much as Gemmill and Malky are in the frame I can't see them sitting round a table and saying "right so we are down to Advocaat, Bilic, Clarke, Gemmill and Malky, what you think lads, should we just go with Malky then aye? Ok, should work" Unless they are complete and utter useless twats...….. Oh wait, SHIT!
  4. Not read back on all the posts so apologies if this has already been spoken about but what's the thoughts on Bran taking control of the Night Kings dragon either turning it against him or papping him somewhere for someone to finish the job?
  5. Exactly what I was saying, I recon he'd take that with an added bonus is we qualified. The guy is looking to get back into it, doesn't need the cash to pay the bills, can't see him digging his heels in for more cash.
  6. Yep spot on, offer him what O'Neill would have been offered if not slightly more and reward him with a 1 million bonus is we qualify, surely that's enough to secure the services of a man who is unemployed and already declared his interest. Scotland will earn something like 7-8 million if we qualify for the Euro's, it's a gamble and money well spent if he did it.
  7. His work with Croatia at international should have him at the top of the pile regardless of his failed club work IMO, it's a different gig, I know where your coming from tho. He's a manager that would be different from what we have ever went with, one that the majority of the fans wouldn't have the pitchforks out hours after his appointment, I just feel he might be the kind of appointment that would fit in well. I'm all for Clarke too by the way and wouldn't be angry at Moyes either, just saying I think he should be 1 of the front runners, no doubts about it.
  8. Surely the SFA will know themselves that the appointment of Gemmill or Malky is going to be met with a terrible response from just about every Scot out there, they need to appoint someone that will instantly get us excited and happy about and fill more seats for this next home game. The appointment of any of these 2 will just be a McLeish situation all over again, who knows if they would do a better job but right away both would be starting this job with an uphill battle to win over the support, that's not what's needed here! Out of all the managers that have been spoken about it really has to be Clarke or Bilic. The squad has to be announced by the end of next month I'm sure, make these 2 managers your targets and speak to them pronto, if we have to wait till the end of Killie's season for Clarke to take over then fine. If Clarke doesn't want it, hire Bilic, it's really not that hard, Bilic wants the gig so you have him as a backup unlike the last O'Neill saga. Spend the cash and make the right call for once, this is our best and easiest chance to make a tourney!
  9. Absolutely correct! Even the smell of a baked potato annoys me in the office, just buy a sanny ffs!
  10. It's just not on mate, he gets big trays of eggs delivered to the office every week from the local farm, he's for the watching!
  11. A guy on my floor in the office keeps making scrambled eggs at 11am every single day in the "kitchen" microwave! It's not really a kitchen, it's basically a wee open plan bit with a fridge and microwave, unacceptable, place is bouffin.
  12. We won't take any points from the next 2 games, you'd like to think, even as bad as we are that we can take care of business at home to Alloa, if we did I'd be slightly more confident of picking up a stinking win somewhere! Most likely we'll lose every single game left and finish below Alloa while JJ goes on his summer holiday's with not a care in the world, the curly heeded twat!
  13. We have a tough run in too so I wouldn't worry too much, Ayr away tomorrow then QOS away Sat, both will be defeats then we have Alloa at home which will be a MUST WIN, really can't see it.
  14. We are down, team is all over the place and we have a manager who is utterly clueless, we won't win another game this season.
  15. Only listened to a wee bit of that this morning, normally I listen to most of the shows on my way to work but had to just dingy this one as Chic Young is a pain in tits. It really annoys me how he's always got to try and attempt some sort of wee joke at the end of almost everything he says and even more annoying that a lot of people laugh along with him....."Awe wee Chic, wits he like, haha" piss aff!
  16. The wummin who made it thru who’s 1st dish was fish topped with baked cheese and mash potato, fucks that all about and they praised her for it haha
  17. That was fucking pish as was last weeks, only bit I chuckled at was Tam’s coupon
  18. Again same with me with the Claire B run, I realised after my 1st encounter at what point Mr X would appear, basically what corridor he was at the end of, I ended up getting caught off him and battered so I went back and just cleared out every zombie and licker before getting to his point and then was free to basically clean up most of the station before heading down his path to complete the last stages, clocktower and stuff.
  19. Same with me, the Leon A game I was counting every bullet and when I found gunpowder or ammo there was mini celebrations but with the Claire B run even though some of the weapons are slightly weaker, less save points and ammo boxes I kinda felt it was a lot smoother and easier, it did help that I knew where to go for all the puzzle parts, items etc....but yeah by the time I got to the final boss stages I had loads of health in my ammo box along with granades and ammo, was able to deal with the bosses pretty easily due to that.
  20. I quite like Neil McCann on it, honest and comes across well on the radio!
  21. Ok cheers for that info, don't think I'll bother then, cracking game, really wish I read up on it and done Claire A then Leon B instead of the other way about, reading that's the way it's supposed to be played, makes sense really having Leon at the very end fighting the train boss!
  22. Finished the Claire 2nd run, is it even worth doing the Leon 2nd run? I really don't know if I can be arsed doing the game a 3rd time, maybe go back to it next month or something haha!
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