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Everything posted by M0rtonfc

  1. What's the deal with this Ezra guy headlining so many festivals, he's quite clearly heavy pish!
  2. This clown of a manager is taking us down, no game for 2 weeks, perfect time to get rid, we won't tho.
  3. Played the demo last night, thought it felt great, really smooth and the aiming is very nice! Bullets hitting the zombies are very realistic as pointed out before, parts of the face flying aff, even the zombies getting up off the floor is very well detailed. At one point I shot one in both knee caps and it started crawling towards me, nice touch. I've probabaly answered my own question going by the demo, defo worth getting I take it? I've clocked it on eBay for 30 notes.
  4. THIS! Completely spot on mate, they've only went and made a right f**k up of this, not that it surprises me, the whole fucking club is a mess!
  5. Aye it's always the same line " oh listen to this, so Lucy from my old job, you remember Lucy, the girl who went out with Martin, you know Martin I was in Uni with" "oh aye that's right, Martin's ex" *I have no idea who the f**k Martin or this Stupid Lucy is*
  6. I'm always in the hoose from work before my missus, she then gets in and after about 10 mins she goes "how was your day", I reply almost the same every single time "ayeee was alright, bit busy", she then waits for me to ask her the same question, if I don't she replies almost every single time "my day was fine, thanks for asking". Now this might be nice for some people that your other half asks how your day was but for me it's fucking annoying as most of the time she blabbers on for 10 mins about what happened in her stressful day. In other news, last night I was informed that Donna from her work (the woman she introduced me to last year who I have no idea who she is but nod as if I do) is preggers, WHO CARES WOMAN!
  7. Seen the Dove, will check it out, cheers!
  8. Looking to upgrade my acoustic, probabaly looking around the £200-250 mark. I had my eye on a Epiphone Hummingbird, anyone on here own one?
  9. Probably about £500 minimum plus decent speaker stands and interconnects. My set up was just shy of £400 in total but that included the turntable, amp, speakers and decent banana plugs/cable for the speaker connection. If you're going to purchase a set up then it's best to get good equipment IMO rather than going the cheap option, the quality will just annoy you down the line and you'll end up upgrading! Edit to add: I bought most of my stuff from Richer Sounds, you can add on a protection plan for £15 that covers you for any repairs for about 5 years.
  10. Yes, he would 100% be good enough at this stage! As long as he is played in the middle of the park he’s by far one of the best in our league and can easily make the step up. He isn’t blessed with pace but he is as fit as they come, his range of passing is sublime, he just pings it about effortlessly. The problem with JJ is that he doesn’t use him in his correct position, McKinnon did and he just bossed games and breezed thru them. I’ll be absolutely gutted if he does go, he’s by far our most gifted player and for me we should be throwing everything at him to stay.
  11. What happened with the boy Dykes for you boys? Just utter stools or didn't get a look in? I think we are sniffing aboot!
  12. If true it will be you'd think, starting MF is pretty solid. We badly need a striker, really hope that is the number 1 priority for JJ.
  13. Apparently we are in for Dylan Dykes from Ross County, midfielder, ex Rangers youth hmm! Don’t shoot the messenger, pal of mine txt me, works with his old boy.
  14. This 1874 patter is horrendous, just give us a decent kit supplier ffs!
  15. Has anyone on here ever had a full conversation or know James McFadden personally? I would just like to know if he sounds and comes across as a total idiot in person. Thanks
  16. 14’s was too good to turn down, cheers Kenny!
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